I am not a Le Penn fan, am not a fan of any politican for that matter. She has done well to distance herself from her nutter father. But yes I want her in, the EU will never reform the people that run it will not allow it, so we need people like her and Farage to destroy it.
I am very fond of Latvia, those in the west of the country and up to Riga are of the mindset of the western world, the other side of Latvia are mainly ethnic Russians and would welcome being a part of Russia. The death of the EU is worth it to me.
Would Russia stop there? Nope they would probably try and even get Poland back, but the Poles I know would rather die then live under Russian rule. As for us, despite the hippies and their mad ideas, we have nukes, so we are safe. It then becomes an economic war, which over a 20 year period would see Russia completely implode as left wing economic politics never works out, in fact if it were not for gas that would have happened already as Russia is pretty much a basket case economy. Once renewable energy has caught up Russia will become as backward as the middle east.
But the EU and it's anti democratic ways would be a thing of the past, unfortunately the people of Europe have by and large forgotten what it is to be run by an elite that do not care for the will of the people(how the EU behave now) they are thugs, just look at how they are treating the British for wanting to leave a club. If my gym behaved like that if I cancelled my membership I would blow them up.
The EU are thugs and bullies, here is hoping a bigger thug and bully comes along and teaches them whats what. In the long run we have nothing to fear from Russia, it's politics and economics will be the defeat of it, we just need her help to get rid of the EU. Not that I would be any help to Russia in anyway, I am old and have no sensitive information. But if I could I would happily work with the Russians to defeat the EU.
Putin is a psycho but just as we have done with America since the Empire went, we should hide behind the big bully to further our objectives.