Ricky Villa
I think this is correct. There are a few notable exceptions where dems reps have come out loud and clear about what is happening but they are the exception to the rule. There seems to be a distinct lack of overall strategy as if they were surprised about what is happening. They shouldn't have been, as it was well-telegraphed beforehand with the publication of the 2025 document - an actual blueprint for what is happening now. The dems election message of protecting democracy was too nebulous and didn't resonate as well as saying 'eggs are expensive'.I read an article a couple of weeks ago (in The New European, I think) which suggested they are purposely allowing things to unravel for a while, as they feel that’s the most effective way to allow the electorate to see the consequences of MAGA, and to therefore deal it a fatal blow in the longer term.
Seems extremely high-risk - and unlikely - to me. My reading is that they are disorganised, are being totally overtaken by the pace of change, and lack a clear figure to rally around.
Edit: with apologies to @Lost Mango above, who just beat me to it!
The 'No Kings' slogan which is becoming a thing now is far better. Simple and clear, and getting a bit of traction at protests (which are also getting more frequent). There is a big protest on Mar 4th and every dem leader should be at front of that making the news rather than reacting to it.
It is not all bad though. The courts are getting involved and that will throw sand in the gears, and disgruntled red voters at town hall meetings are getting more frequent in deep red states as cuts begin to bite. There are protests at Tesla dealerships and polls show Trump and Musk favorability dropping fast. I think the breath of doge cuts has affected so many people, including GOP voters, that the bad stories are everywhere now and multiplying. While dems can really stop anything their mission should be the make sure that any fallout is attributed to Trump and his goons.
edit: I listened to this interview this morning. It is excellent IMO. It shows at least that the dems have somewhat belated but correctly identified their weaknesses, generally speaking. It's a bit long but if you in here reading this you are already dodging work.
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