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American politics

Buttigieg is a super star but a massive risk in another way because of his sexuality. That shouldn't be the case but it would be.

The dems have loads of good options but all carry their own risks. I think Newsom stands the best chance but it doesn't sound like Biden is stepping aside based on the noise since the debate (e.g his rally last night and Obama's comments). If that is the case and Biden is the nominee then the dems cannot be divided. The stakes are too high.

I don't know enough but from everything I read Newsom is pretty unpopular outside of his bubble. A lot of people say he's ruined California.
In what way has he ruined California?

One third of the homeless people in the US are in California, look at San Francisco. High levels of drug addictions, house prices are sky high, people are leaving California for the first time ever, businesses are relocating, he's taken away power from teachers and centralised education, state pensions massively underfunded. That's just from a quick internet search. I'm sure there's some good stuff as well, his approval ratings are still high.
One third of the homeless people in the US are in California, look at San Francisco. High levels of drug addictions, house prices are sky high, people are leaving California for the first time ever, businesses are relocating, he's taken away power from teachers and centralised education, state pensions massively underfunded. That's just from a quick internet search. I'm sure there's some good stuff as well, his approval ratings are still high.
The homeless trend seems to be tracking with the rent prices for the most part, which is unsuprising. It is a trend that started long before Newsom was on the scene. Maybe he is not doing enough to remedy the problem but if people are leaving California then that might help fix the issue. I wouldn't be too interested in the economics of CA but on the environment/climate side of things, which I do follow, he's had some highlights.

Why I think Newsom would do well is that he is an excellent communicator, one of the best the dems have, and can back it up with numbers on the fly as he thinks on his feet pretty well. His resemblance to Christian Bale in American Psycho is purely coincidental :oops: