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American politics

Bill Maher has been saying for a long time that a large proportion of Americans are stupid. After about a year of watching a substantial number of clips of Trump supporters being interviewed at his rallies across the country, I finally believe him. Initially, I assumed that most conventional/liberal media outlets and politically leaning comedy shows were deliberately showcasing the stupidest interviews they recorded or that only certain parts of America would have certain perceptions/radical opinions.

However, the totality of the evidence, from across the country and from across the media spectrum (including right wing and new/independent media) that has assailed my senses this last year has led me to believe that these macaronic and/or radical opinions constitute the bulk of the justifications as to why "folk" that support Trump are indeed, stupid.

Only on a small handful of occasions has any interviewee acknowledged an issue with Trump but decided to support him anyway due to his promises. An overwhelming majority believe that everything controversial that he has said or done or any legitimate/substantive political issue is not worthy of consideration or a total fabrication by the Democrat controlled media.

On several occasions, I have even seen young, white, males actually posit the idea that slavery for example benefited the African American population as they have been given rights they were denied in Africa. The mind boggles.

What is most startling is the absolute cognitive dissonance demonstrated when it comes to issues of policy and implementation. Whenever any interviewer has dared to question how for example Trump would bring high paying jobs back to America, the answer would either be blank silence or the inevitable "He will make America great again" refrain. I have literally not seen nor heard a single point by point cogent answer throughout the campaigns (both primary and Presidential).

Despite the fact that his acceptance speech (as with all his speeches) was riddled with diametrically opposed policies (extreme right wing - republican- immigration- small government - lower taxes- government spending on infrastructure- tax breaks-lowering the debt - middle class jobs- rebuilding the military) the audience gleefully lapped it up so long as "It's gonna be beautiful folks".

It will be interesting to watch America implode when the curtain is pulled back to reveal a showman bereft of any substance and reality finally hits his core constituency (whatever that may be) that the world has changed and left middle America in its wake and no amount of Trumpeting will bring the American "dream" back to life...
it says something about human nature too, when backed into a corner, even if the instrument of change is abhorrent (a bigoted sex predator for example), they will still vote for it

it shouldn't surprise me but it does
Bill Maher has been saying for a long time that a large proportion of Americans are stupid. After about a year of watching a substantial number of clips of Trump supporters being interviewed at his rallies across the country, I finally believe him. Initially, I assumed that most conventional/liberal media outlets and politically leaning comedy shows were deliberately showcasing the stupidest interviews they recorded or that only certain parts of America would have certain perceptions/radical opinions.

However, the totality of the evidence, from across the country and from across the media spectrum (including right wing and new/independent media) that has assailed my senses this last year has led me to believe that these macaronic and/or radical opinions constitute the bulk of the justifications as to why "folk" that support Trump are indeed, stupid.

Only on a small handful of occasions has any interviewee acknowledged an issue with Trump but decided to support him anyway due to his promises. An overwhelming majority believe that everything controversial that he has said or done or any legitimate/substantive political issue is not worthy of consideration or a total fabrication by the Democrat controlled media.

On several occasions, I have even seen young, white, males actually posit the idea that slavery for example benefited the African American population as they have been given rights they were denied in Africa. The mind boggles.

What is most startling is the absolute cognitive dissonance demonstrated when it comes to issues of policy and implementation. Whenever any interviewer has dared to question how for example Trump would bring high paying jobs back to America, the answer would either be blank silence or the inevitable "He will make America great again" refrain. I have literally not seen nor heard a single point by point cogent answer throughout the campaigns (both primary and Presidential).

Despite the fact that his acceptance speech (as with all his speeches) was riddled with diametrically opposed policies (extreme right wing - republican- immigration- small government - lower taxes- government spending on infrastructure- tax breaks-lowering the debt - middle class jobs- rebuilding the military) the audience gleefully lapped it up so long as "It's gonna be beautiful folks".

It will be interesting to watch America implode when the curtain is pulled back to reveal a showman bereft of any substance and reality finally hits his core constituency (whatever that may be) that the world has changed and left middle America in its wake and no amount of Trumpeting will bring the American "dream" back to life...

The popular vote is split pretty much 50-50. I wouldn't dismiss half the electorate as stupid based on the views of the sort of nob-ends that go to political rallies. I'm not sure how many normal people you'd find at them, either on the left or the right of politics.

I love Bill Maher as well, but his kind of views contribute to the "phuck you" that American voters just delivered. A huge amount of Trump voters don't like Trump as a person -- they just like the broad strokes of less low-skill immigration, less out-sourcing of jobs to low-wage countries, and less of Washington being bought and paid for by Wall Street. They have taken a punt on Trump being able to deliver these things and they knew that Clinton certainly would not.
No mate. And don't worry. They will get their 'change'. I rather doubt it delivers (for the vast majority of them) what they thought it might, but they will get it. He will be able to (possibly) replace THREE supreme court judges and push bills through the house and congress like a salt cellar down a dining room table. Change is not simply hope, it is inevitable. Not forgetting how much more religion is going to figure into every facet of legislature. Christianity, that is. It's going to be bad...

Lets be honest about that, most promises that are made before a election do not carried through so there will be nothing new in that. Will he do what he says? well that depends on what he REALLY wants to do not what others ( who get carried away with what he has said in the spur of the moment) think he means, as i say that will/would be no different then any other wanabee leader through history.

They all promise peaches and cream but the reality is usually no difference. As for religion rearing its ugly head again there is not much difference between him and other leaders like Bush, and who can forget that quote from Blair after taking our country into a illegal war.

He's a cheap, loud and fast salesman, she's a lawyer. It was on the cards because she could never wrap her head around a dumbed-down populist rhetoric, and the reality that (in fact) if you actually lie BIG people don't notice or don't care.

When was the last time any leader did not lie BIG, they all do at some times during their rule. The only difference is that career politicions can do it with forked tongue Trump has not got the grasp of that yet.
I do not know how many folks on here were around during the Raygun years but if they were they must remember the headlines "The Presidents brain is missing" America is no different then most countrys when it comes to the stupidity of a portion of the voting public though.
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No mate. And don't worry. They will get their 'change'. I rather doubt it delivers (for the vast majority of them) what they thought it might, but they will get it. He will be able to (possibly) replace THREE supreme court judges and push bills through the house and congress like a salt cellar down a dining room table. Change is not simply hope, it is inevitable. Not forgetting how much more religion is going to figure into every facet of legislature. Christianity, that is. It's going to be GREAT..

Fixed that for you.

Every media organization is publishing its version of “how Trump won,” and this snippet from Time magazine is particularly interesting, looking at Trump voters in Pennsylvania:

Chris Reilly, a commissioner in York County, Pennsylvania, has lived in the heavily Republican area north of Baltimore for 28 years. On the day in September after Mike Pence spoke to some 800 folks in downtown York, Reilly scanned a panoramic picture of the crowd in the local paper and had a shock. “I recognized one face,” he said. That’s when the party stalwart knew something was going on.

Then, on a recent Friday, Reilly got word that the county had received 9,000 absentee-ballot applications in a single day. It had to mail them out by Monday but had no money for extra help. So Reilly turned up at the election office on Saturday to stuff the applications into envelopes himself. As he did, he noticed something surprising. The applications were running 10 to 1 male. And when he peeked at the employment lines, he saw a pattern. “Dockworker. Forklift operator. Roofer,” Reilly recalled. “Grouter. Warehouse stocker. These people had probably never voted before. They were coming out of nowhere.”

Every media organization is publishing its version of “how Trump won,” and this snippet from Time magazine is particularly interesting, looking at Trump voters in Pennsylvania:

Chris Reilly, a commissioner in York County, Pennsylvania, has lived in the heavily Republican area north of Baltimore for 28 years. On the day in September after Mike Pence spoke to some 800 folks in downtown York, Reilly scanned a panoramic picture of the crowd in the local paper and had a shock. “I recognized one face,” he said. That’s when the party stalwart knew something was going on.

Then, on a recent Friday, Reilly got word that the county had received 9,000 absentee-ballot applications in a single day. It had to mail them out by Monday but had no money for extra help. So Reilly turned up at the election office on Saturday to stuff the applications into envelopes himself. As he did, he noticed something surprising. The applications were running 10 to 1 male. And when he peeked at the employment lines, he saw a pattern. “Dockworker. Forklift operator. Roofer,” Reilly recalled. “Grouter. Warehouse stocker. These people had probably never voted before. They were coming out of nowhere.”

The election was rigged, just like Trump prophesised.
Well i can not comment on the Tory victory but for the other two i would say its about how many folks are fed up with the status quo, sick to death of the/we are all right jack sod everyone else brand of policys and decided to stand up and be counted.

I guess it all come down to what side of the bed your life lives in.

You see I agree with this, I am a multi home owner but I do not think it is right. If someone came out and said that the should be a maximum two homes a person can own, the one they live in and either a holiday home or a home they rent out for an income. I am actually against people owning lots of homes and pushing up the price of property so youngsters can not get on the ladder. I would also ban anyone who was not a resident of the country owning property in the UK with an exception for people working overseas. That is not something I consider racist and is something done in areas in the Caribbean.
You see I agree with this, I am a multi home owner but I do not think it is right. If someone came out and said that the should be a maximum two homes a person can own, the one they live in and either a holiday home or a home they rent out for an income. I am actually against people owning lots of homes and pushing up the price of property so youngsters can not get on the ladder. I would also ban anyone who was not a resident of the country owning property in the UK with an exception for people working overseas. That is not something I consider racist and is something done in areas in the Caribbean.

That is the problem ( or one of them) a lot of property is owned by greedy rich owners who push the rents up for normal people, a lot of these owners do not even reside here most of the time they are just bleeding people dry.

I have been lucky enough to have always owned my own property and would never rent but they people i have worked with over the years who (1) never been able to get on the property ladder (2) had to move out of the places ( towns etc) they love because the rent charged by these multi-owners are far to high. If the major partys (not just here ) had decided to stop these greedy bastards from making fortunes and looked after the working class then maybe the swell against these partys may not have got so bad.

There is a groundswell over Europe and as far as the States against the status quo and unless something is done fast it will grow larger. Any politicion who fails to see this is burying their head in the sand ,and alas there are still folks who dismiss Brexit, Trump winning as nothing more then racist, redneck etc voters and have their heads in the sand as well.

They need to wake up and smell the coffee. ( imo)
I admit to being greedy but I would vote if I were prepared to vote ever again for someone who banned or taxed higher people who own more then one property, I have made my money I want to see the kids in the country be able to get on the property ladder, I do not care what colour their skin is or where they were born. They are here they can be British as far as I am concerned.
generally, are the sort of houses owned as second homes likely to be affordable and in the right places for young workers?
it says something about human nature too, when backed into a corner, even if the instrument of change is abhorrent (a bigoted sex predator for example), they will still vote for it

it shouldn't surprise me but it does

I think there's a lot to be said for the fact his campaign kept the slogan really, really simple. Easy to remember, a nice catch-all phrase. Easy to hang your hat on.

"Make America great again".

Short, snappy, can mean what you want it to mean despite it being inherently meaningless: whatever "great" is to you is what you can promise yourself will happen. If someone opposes it, it could be interpreted that they're unpatriotic.
Bill Maher has been saying for a long time that a large proportion of Americans are stupid. After about a year of watching a substantial number of clips of Trump supporters being interviewed at his rallies across the country, I finally believe him.

It took you a year to realise this hahaha !!!