Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
Hmmm, I get what you are saying but he is 80 is he not? I mean that's past most western life expectancy and his cognitive decline is evident. My Grandad was still fishing on his boat, cooking an evening fish supper and could do the Times crossword at 80 and amazing props to him for that, but he wasn't the leader of the free world
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Some people are old at 50, some people who are 70-80 are so with it physically and mentally they don’t show their age. I get he has the odd senior moment like falling off his bike and stumbling during speeches but he’s adept at working with people behind the scenes. Was more of a general comment of how prevalent ageism is in western culture. To steal a line with The White Lotus “they used to respect the old. Now they’re just reminders of an offensive past everyone wants to forget”.