Terry Naylor
No?The first word of your response to that post is exactly what is part of the problem.
No?The first word of your response to that post is exactly what is part of the problem.
Your relating institutional racism with a court case where so far there has been no evidence of it. That doesn’t mean it want racist, it means there is no evidence of it. So any view that it is, is conjecture.
I always prefer to use facts. It’s why I shy away from the press as their spin and lies are dangerous.
It can work both ways too
People like Tommy Robinson thrive off conjecture and just enough facts to spin a story. He has created a group of cavemen who follow him because he voices his opinion... tops it up with enough basic facts that means they can check him out and create a nasty cult
Why would anyone want to forget that?
I'm not particularly interested in distinguishing between those who did the rioting and those who refused to condemn it - equal levels of culpability as far as I'm concerned.Because it is flimflam.
I believe his murder had racial motivation.
I don't riot or loot.
You can start with an apology and multiply that for the many millions of people who fee the same.
Or just hold your hand in the air and say, "Hmmmm, I might be talking gonad*s again!"![]()
I'm not particularly interested in distinguishing between those who did the rioting and those who refused to condemn it - equal levels of culpability as far as I'm concerned.
We would need to see the previous 5 minutes of footage to work out why that scene played out.
We would need to see the previous 5 minutes of footage to work out why that scene played out.
I'm guessing he was stopped primarily because he was a non-white in a new car, which would rightly annoy him, hence not complying quickly with the police, so they pepper sprayed him, so he didn't comply quickly again and it snowballed, but I can't tell that from the video as it only shows the aftermath.
PS Bedfordspurs, you should edit your post above about "bacon mate"
OK I also found the full videoWhat on earth was he playing at?
He drives on for about 20 seconds when told to pull over.
Then he is told about 5 times to get out of the car, by cops pointing guns at his head, and he doesn't. I would have been out of that car in 5 seconds.
Just step out of the car and explain it is a new car, then you are on your way - don't be an idiot and cause a massive issue like this.
I seem to recall you supporting the "protests" (rioting and looting apparently becomes a protest when you attach a flimsy excuse) at the time.There you are again. Comedy gold. "They're all the same..."
You should start making these distinctions in life.
Life is not a binary episode.
No-one I know condones looting.
I won't hold my breath for your apology though you owe me one, being the self-professed bastion of manners you proclaim to be.
The law is more malleable than anyone likes to admit. Context, what is going on in society, creating new precedence and evolving as morals evolve means laws are less black and white than most think.
Ultimately, this debate comes down to one thing: are you happy with society (or US society’s) racial status quo? Or do you want to see a fairer society where races are treated with greater equality?
We’ll never see no discrimination by race. Humans classify. We always will to some degree. Most don’t believe this policeman would have done the same to a white guy,
but that doesn’t automatically make him consciously racist. However, that misses the important point. The stats and societal evidence is clear, being black disadvantaged you in the US, to the extent that your life is more easily taken by racist or subconsciously (institutionally) racist police. The law needs to support fairness and equality.
Sitting on my porcelain throne using mobile app
I seem to recall you supporting the "protests" (rioting and looting apparently becomes a protest when you attach a flimsy excuse) at the time.
Domestic violence has been around for a long time, doesn't make it acceptable.There is a difference between 'supporting' rioting and looting and and understanding of why it is happening. Rioting has been a tool of the unheard since the birth of human civilisation. You're just hearing about it more because of the rise of social media and pace at which information is spread in present times, so it is not a generational thing as you have claimed. Rioting occurs when oppressed people are not heard and in a perpetual state of oppression. You would never understand why someone would be willing to risk their own safety and/or their own life to fight against that. So whilst you're revelling in your persona as a pound-shop Jordan Peterson, you're actually more aligned with EDL Dave down the Rat and Parrot.
Domestic violence has been around for a long time, doesn't make it acceptable.
Society has rules by which we all must abide, whether we're underachieving or not. If rioting is accepted because people don't like their life outcomes, then those if us who like our should be able to pick and choose the rules we abide by. How about anyone outside the bottom tax brackets gets to stop paying the taxes that feed the people who want to steal trainers and burn shops?
I'm not belittling real oppression, I'm disputing that oppression was the cause of all the looting and burning. There are plenty of people who abhor racism (you and I as examples) who don't feel the need to show it by stealing trainers or burning down someone's business.All this shows is your complete lack of understanding around oppression. The fact you can call it a ‘flimsy excuse’ shows not only your character but your ignorance too. I think I’ll stick to calling you EDL Dave going forwards.
I'm not belittling real oppression, I'm disputing that oppression was the cause of all the looting and burning. There are plenty of people who abhor racism (you and I as examples) who don't feel the need to show it by stealing trainers or burning down someone's business.
You can think of me however you like, I wouldn't be me if that kind of thing mattered. But you know as well as I do that it's entirely i
I’d also have been out of that car in 5 seconds if the cops had guns pointed at my head. But then I’m not a black man in America so I’d feel relatively safe to do so without fearing for my life.
I seem to recall you supporting the "protests" (rioting and looting apparently becomes a protest when you attach a flimsy excuse) at the time.