awesome dawson
Chris Armstrong
Ordinarily I would not wish this on anybody.
This qualifies as an extraordinary event.
Ordinarily I would not wish this on anybody.
Maybe Trump hasn't really got it BUT knowing he'd be in close proximity to Biden 'gave it' to him knowing the old codger Biden might struggle with it and Trump can still play the 'im a survivor' card.Imagine if Biden got it too - and both presidential candidates died just weeks before the election. Which, considering their age, could very well happen.
This will also make it much harder for Trump to shift focus away from covid-19 during the final weeks of the campaign. He will probably spend much more time tweeting, of course.
An interesting month ahead. he wasn't.
What a comment mate, you'll have to dig deep to even attempt to back that up!
he’s using to say he’s right to open up the states.
hope it works
The first post debate poll has Biden as +13. An outlier maybe but we'll see.
He was a safe, middling, good PR president but he had no teeth. I get that America probably crave him because of Trump but he was not great.
One legacy piece of legislation was Obamacare, but that was it. He messed up the financial bailout which meant another 10 million lost their homes despite warnings. He was majorly weak on things such as gun crime where he could have put together executive orders rather than a bunch of executive actions which meant nothing other than making him look like he was doing stuff, didnt he actually expand gun rights by allowing them on trains and in parks early in his. I get that its a complex situation but this is the modern world where guns have no place in society and he should have done more, he was the hope to do that, the first modern president who would get it, instead we got the same tearful eulogies and no action. He also oversaw an economic system that saw the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, his famous Obamanomics. Police Violence and race crime was just as high then as it is now despite general perceptions.
Even if you look at the economy and unemployment under Obama as a raging success and I can see why, before Covid Trump did pretty well with the American economy, saw drastic stock market rises and unemployment continue to fall, so using the same barometer for success Trump looks just as favorable. It just all comes down to positive versus negative PR. And just to state I hate Trump before anyone starts a pro Trump versus negative Obama agenda type thing.
Obama was cool, looked great on GQ and getting Burgers on Insta with Biden was edgy......I get it
I think polls are very, very dangerous and contribute to apathy. I'd ignore them.
Your last sentence is frankly insulting.
He's a full-blown narcissist who's never admitted to wrongdoing, weakness or fallibility.. I find it hard to believe he'd admit it if he really did have it. Got to be a ploy.
I dont think it is, the guy loved PR, he was often on chat shows, making quirky videos like walking down the corridors of the white house in shades, didn't he do a trip for a coffee stint with some comedian in a vintage car?
That comedian was Jerry Seinfeld and he is a genius. I bet it took a few hours at most to do.
I would expect presidents and prime ministers to have free time in the evenings. If Obama wanted to go on talk shows to get his message across more power to him.
I would like Johnson to go on a chat show and say how he wants to once free of the EU support and subsidise green industries (the future) how to help students he will move to a graduate tax rather then tuition fees. How he is going to sort out care fees.
Think the general public watch these shows more then they do political shows. So really it is about getting your message across to as many people as possible.
WTF are you talking about?
He’s lying to open up the states.
Someone will change the gun laws and sooner rather than later because its 2020 and having a gun in your home because someone in the 1800s did is idiotic. But its going to take someone with balls who don't care about a second term or their profile.