Jimmy Cantrell
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Less than four years to get to this. It just shows you how delicate democracy is.
Looks like even the troops are turning against Trumpwhy would you not go out to vote?
cant go anywhere.
if anything this should fire up the troops to vote
Looks like even the troops are turning against Trump
That's it, get your excuses in early on the flimsiest ... Whip it up, whip it up..
If the Dems win, it's all fantastic ...If the GOP wins the vote, it was surely rigged..
Whip it up , whip it up...Get the useful idiots out there to protest a November Trump win, protests that could turn violent by the Antifa lot...Burn a few buildings and smash up people's properties, and if some people get killed, go smash up some police cars and complain police brutality.
Blame it all on Trump.
so a sensible organisation would arrange a local bus/lift share for those vets?
What are you talking about? Why should they need to? Their president is willfully sabotaging the USP'S ability to do it's job, in order to steal an election and you put the onus on those affected. brick, you cannot make this sort of disconnected type of response up.
It would be interesting to see the correlation between lower than average IQ and voting Trump. Surely that sort of data exists. Then it’s just a case of, how stupid is the majority of the USA.