Ricky Villa
Trump could be the end of us all, or at least the end of the GOP as an equal political force in counterbalance to the Democratic party. Their polls numbers are a horror show and only going one way. A Democratic sweep is what the US needs.Below is a link to an interview with a long time Republican strategist, who subsequently began working for the Lincoln Project. He talks about where the Republican Party is now and what will make it change.
The culmination of a decades long approach by the GOP to shield the truth from its base, feed it an alternative reality, has led the USA to this point in time where losing thousands of lives unnecessarily in a pandemic is an acceptable loss in the name of partisanship. Owning the libs can literally be a death sentence. Sadopopulism is what Timothy Snyder calls it.
Project Lincoln has some great videos but these guys are as much to blame as anyone for the predicament the US finds itself in. There is no epiphany here. Their eyes have been wide open all this time.
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