They are going to need a decent candidate next time.
I agree -- that and a set of policies that make the people want to go out and vote. A more polite man or woman peddling the same bullsh1t will see Trump re-elected, imo.
They are going to need a decent candidate next time.
It can always get a lot worse. People tend to forget that...
Hundreds of thousands of precious tax dollars spent on a publicity stunt.
A lot of ill, but also a lot of good. Like most countries. Actually probably better than most countries.
And the one current superpower in the world. Of the realistic candidates who would you rather have in that role? China?
A combusting US would be a huge destabilizing factor in the international community. The negative consequences of that are hard to accurately predict, but not difficult to imagine.
Not to mention the one current superpower combusting and itself becoming unstable. The most powerful army in the world falling into the hands of who exactly? Who comes into power when countries are unstable and combusting?
Donald told him to do so, apparently. The whole sharade is just extremely embarrassing. I wonder if the Donald boys genuinely believe that this is about the national anthem, and a protest to it, or if they actually know what it's about?How embarrassing was that Mike Pence walkout; i mean really..
He is meant to by VP ffs and he lowers himself down to 'dissing an NFL game'; it's one thing Trump goping for cheap points, but we know that he's a man-child at heart. But Pence?
Pence is the price trump paid for the support of the Poch financed, fascist GHod botherers of the tea party
So, Trump is turning his back on a US territory in need and also withdrawing the US from UNESCO at the end of 2018.
(Serious question, not trolling)
With the continued US moves away from the global to the internal focus and the knowledge we need a bumper deal with them post Brexit, do any Brexiters genuinely believe that is going to happen without having to sacrifice too much (I'm thinking in terms of quality of goods and ownership of UK companies. But interpret as you see fit).?
I genuinely think the world has changed significantly enough since the referendum and it's clear where certain parts are headed, that we should have a second referendum now. Not because I didn't like the result, but because the conditions are now very very different.
Correct, Trump wanted to pull out of NATO, he didnt understand why he had to fund other nation's defences. Apart from his obvious stupidity, this is all part of his Make America great shtick.I think the answer is clear: "America first. America first".