i read today that he is joining the spammers
I don't, because of World Cup exploits... but he is home grown.
Surely we could outbid them?
no thanks
Where to start...
He could dress up like the Goonersaurus on his day off for all i care about his dress sense;
It's the fact that he is a bit of a washed-up player who faded badly last season (in a team who were so crap it would have been so easy to shine) and the fact he seems a bellend that is more the issue for me..
No thanks!
i see a link
TBF, apart form the Gilet, ol' Tim generally dresses well i think...
Tim? i thought we were talking about Song
I'm trying to say that having good/bad dress sense doesn't neccesarily correlate with being a bellend..
It a one way correlation: dressing like a bell end, makes you a bell end.Whoosh!
I'm trying to say that having good/bad dress sense doesn't neccesarily correlate with being a bellend..