Russia will only agree to this if it benefits its main purpose, which is to conquer Ukraine. Russia will aim to extract onerous concessions from Ukraine in return for no concessions on its side. And then, it will break the agreement when it suits its purpose, as that is its MO.
Agreed. Hence the difficulty in calling this 'peace talks'.
The correct solution (and Zelensky's position) is for basically for everything to return as it was.
Obviously, thats not an outcome available via these 'talks'
1. Because Putin is a dictator and needs to be seen as one ie needs to claim some sort of victory
2. Trumps obvious hatred of Zelensky' and yearning for a nobel peace prize
3. Anything to do with money...Trumps ok with it flowing in but detests it flowing out. So minerals yes... security guarantees no.
4. We don't know how deep Trump is in with Russia
If Zelensky' wants to fight's not going to be with American support.
So it will be up to the EU...with boots on the ground and arms/financial aid or just arms/financial tech/intelligence help etc.
It's all risky as letting things run might actually open the opportunity of Russia building up momentum and before you know it they are at the Polish border. (Although conversely things aren't too clear on the capacity of Russia's war resources).
The only realistic middle ground is for Zelensky' to concede the eastern states Donbass etc and probably commit staying out of NATO. As you say pretty much giving Russia all their concessions. And that in itself could be a slippery slope.