Lemonade Money
Got Lego Marvel Heroes and Sunset Overdrive with gore and vulgarity turned off!Oh and you can never go wrong with a lego game. Young or old!
Got Lego Marvel Heroes and Sunset Overdrive with gore and vulgarity turned off!Oh and you can never go wrong with a lego game. Young or old!
International Womens teams to be in FIFA16
haha who would actually use women teams? great bit of marketing in my opinion
Fallout 4 was announced today.
I'm going to need a PS4.
And a new TV.
I know the feeling, tis' a sad day when next gen consoles actually start bringing out great games that you can't get on 360 or ps3. Makes you feel like your current console has been made redundant. Mad to think that next gen consoles have been out for a year and a half yet the price doesn't seem to have fallen at all. I'm pretty sure that PS3 and PS2 prices had fallen a lot in the same time scale.
Simply games have a ps4 for 249 at the mo..
Bethesda knocked it out the park - I wish I could justify £100 for the pip boy edition of fallout but as good a gimmick it is, it's still a gimmick!Anyone watching the E3 conferences so far? Bethesda's conference was pretty ace, coming as it did with Fallout 4 and Dishonored 2 among others: didn't get to see Microsoft's, but hey, new Tomb Raider. EA's was pretty par for the course (new Mass Effect, Star Wars, FIFA) except for a) Pele, and b) the guy who presented his indie platformer game (Unravelled, or something) at the beginning: his simultaneous extreme nervousness and genuine love for his cutesy little game seems to have been a hit with the internet, and I found it more than a bit refreshing given the general dead-eyed PR crap and loud dubstep trailers that most of the other presenters generally went with.Ubisoft's conference was Tom Clancy, Tom Clancy and Tom Clancy (The Division, which seems excellent, and Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon, which both seem pretty underwhelming), with a bit of Assassin's Creed thrown in. Sony's seems, again, par for the course.
Bethesda knocked it out the park - I wish I could justify £100 for the pip boy edition of fallout but as good a gimmick it is, it's still a gimmick!
They showed a load of that in the gameplay video I saw? Contextual interaction notifications depending on the item; using the dog to fetch things; carrying on conversations later (or shoot anyone), the rebuild entire settlements bit which looked like it'll either be insane or a pain in the arse...Yeah, I'd give them an A. I feel they could have done a bit better in terms of fleshing out the gameplay trailer, though: the one we did see that wasn't the intro was basically all combat, and how you interact with the world (NPCs, locations, etcetera) would have been great to see given that they must be pretty close to finishing the game up by now (if it's really going to be released in November, that is). I'm still massively pumped for it, though: my only regret is that I won't be able to play it until I save up for a decent rig, which could take a while.Other than that, I'm also very interested in Dishonored 2: I played the first one and loved it, and I'm glad that they're willing to take risks and explore both a new location and a new player character, given that a) the previous setting was great by itself, and b) the player character is the girl you're tasked with rescuing and protecting in the first game, a novel storytelling twist in the videogame world.
They showed a load of that in the gameplay video I saw? Contextual interaction notifications depending on the item; using the dog to fetch things; carrying on conversations later (or shoot anyone), the rebuild entire settlements bit which looked like it'll either be insane or a pain in the arse...
I watched this half hour video of it - there's a big segment about the iOS game in the middle but the rest had loads of bits
I never played dishonoured - one of those games that I totally missed and never got round to picking up. Doubt I will now as I've got dragon age and witcher 3 to get through, the new batman on pre order and a mountain of untouched games to pick up before November...
It's a bit ridiculous tbh... I just keep finding 'bargains' that I can't resist! Wolfenstein the new order, both metro 2033s, Lego batman 3, thief 3, assassins creed unity/black flag, halo MCC and sunset overdrive are sitting there with less then a few hours played on each and that's not including the 360 games...No, I know. I meant in terms of quest interactions, and storylines: I'd like to know who populates this world, who the factions are, how your actions through the quests can influence those factions, how different your interactions with various people can be, how the locations can be impacted by the decisions you make in quests, stuff like that. I've been playing Bethesda's games for about a decade now, and I've grown to implicitly trust them when it comes to them building their worlds physically and filling them with interesting stuff to do, i.e creating brilliant sandboxes. They're unbeatable at that, and the Capital Wasteland, Cyrodiil, and Skyrim are testaments to this. But I've never really been impressed by their writing or the people/factions they create: their NPCs seem flat, and their ability to write good quests and in-game lore-building have both suffered even as their world-building abilities have grown to become the industry standard.
I was hoping to see a bit more of that, impressive as the rest of the conference undoubtedly was. As for Dishonored, it's a great game, and if it ever comes up in a sale for a price you find acceptable, pick it up: it isn't too long, it isn't too demanding in terms of time or investment, and it's well worth a playthrough. And that's a very impressive backlog to have: I'm mildly jealous of you, as you've likely got a guaranteed couple of hundred hours of entertainment in just Inquisition, W3 and the new Batman game, to say nothing of that mountain of other games you possess.![]()