Clint Dempsey
So no one on GG has had sex with a drunk girl?
Sloppy seconds? Nah..
So no one on GG has had sex with a drunk girl?
So no one on GG has had sex with a drunk girl?
Nah did DHSF from behind once but he was so drunk he did not know about it.
This case is really disturbing. Evans sounds like a real **** but it does kind of bother me that one person's drunk yes isn't the same as anothers. I had a good friend get accused of *struggle cuddle* when we were at university together under almost identical circumstances. I saw the girl minutes before him and another had sex with her and she clearly was drunk but also clearly was up for some. Next day she wakes up says she was so drunk she didn't know what happened etc.. it was *struggle cuddle* and he got kicked out of school. Eventually the charges were dropped but it totally ruined his life for years and for what?
I am happily married now but aside from the times you have a serious girlfriend how many times are you actually having sex sober? I mean not many people hooking up dead sober on a random Wednesday afternoon. It is really scary because if you end up with the wrong girl this could literally happen to almost anyone.
Mate I think you are missing some important facts in this case. It's not a case of a ****ed up shag. Evans and Clayton McDonald preyed on this girl. They were looking for someone to have sex with. They did not know her. When Mcdonald picked her up she was already ****ed he was not. Witnesses claimed she could barely walk let alone consent to having sex. McDonald walked her to the hotel room then he had sex with her. Then Evans turned up and had sex with her when she was out of it. Now there is a different discussion about why a girl was so bladdered that she was out of control but that does not make her fair game. For me this was a particularly heinous crime. He is a sex offender. Being a footballer comes with a lot of community responsibility possibly with children IMO he cannot fulfil those. I am all for rehabilitation but there are a number of jobs a sex offender cannot do even after "doing his time" football should be one of them. Don't let the fact that this is a rich guy who can afford the best lawyers confuse you and wrap the case up with legalese. This was sex without consent because the girl was in no fit state to refuse.
This case is really disturbing. Evans sounds like a real **** but it does kind of bother me that one person's drunk yes isn't the same as anothers. I had a good friend get accused of *struggle cuddle* when we were at university together under almost identical circumstances. I saw the girl minutes before him and another had sex with her and she clearly was drunk but also clearly was up for some. Next day she wakes up says she was so drunk she didn't know what happened etc.. it was *struggle cuddle* and he got kicked out of school. Eventually the charges were dropped but it totally ruined his life for years and for what?
I am happily married now but aside from the times you have a serious girlfriend how many times are you actually having sex sober? I mean not many people hooking up dead sober on a random Wednesday afternoon. It is really scary because if you end up with the wrong girl this could literally happen to almost anyone.
So how come the Jury didn't convict McDonald then? You see its this particularly that means his conviction is wholly unsafe for me. Says to me that Evans was convicted due to who he was, rather than on the facts of the case.
it doesn't work like that, the system considers him rehabilitated (despite what he has said in public I suspect he's shown remorse in his counselling sessions and psychological evaluations hence the decision to release him)
there are 2 issues here, whether or not he is actually guilty (as he was found in court) shouldn't be relevant to whether he continues his career or not, he has served his sentence, he is now a free man, he should have the same chance in life as the rest as us, either he is allowed to fit back into the community or he isn't,
we can't have shades of grey here or the entire legal system would be overloaded, decisions have to be made on facts alone, the emotion has to be removed
Says a lot to me that he was convicted as famous/rich people tend to get away or get off extremely lightly with crimes.
Actually he hasn't served his sentence, he's on license serving a 5 year term. He isn't actually technically a free man. He's been released more than likely because the prisons are full and he isn't considered a risk to the general public.
They don't. What they can do is afford to hire the best legal representation that are better able to point out flaws in the prosecution case and present that to judge/jury in a convincing manner.
Looking at this case, Evans' team did do that, but for whatever reason the jury found him guilty when the submissions from his team were pretty powerful (in my view if you read the court transcript).
Part of the reason they get away with it is because they have the best legal teams as you point out.
Oscar Pistorious got a ridiculous sentence for his crimes. I'm sure there are plenty of other examples.
ok, i think even that case <released convicted criminal> should still be allowed to go back to work
Says a lot to me that he was convicted as famous/rich people tend to get away or get off extremely lightly with crimes.