I'm surprised that so many of you get so irate by so-called celebs. They may be annoying but people give them the attention to stay in the media spotlight. Ignore them and they will go.
The majority of my gripes are with the lack of human consideration... where the feck do I start... okay driving (yippee!)
Oh before I start with humans let me start with potholes... now onto people who fill them with play-doh, again and again and again...
Drivers who blatantly refuse to indicate at junctions, love it when there are a collection of them lined up so you sit there waiting to turn... I'm not a mindreader mofos!!!
The school run - 4x4s - 1 child who lives 25 metres away...
Temporary lights at the most stupid places... stick some cones down, there are no uni students within a mile FFS!
People who hate putting their dog's on their leashes - yeah you know your dog but the rest of the World might not.
People who let their dogs sh1t all over the place
People who can barely afford to eat but have dogs and ciggies and alcohol
People who swear in front of their kids and other children (sorry Ben).
Litterbugs - people who park up and throw litter on the floor... We have a guy in a suit in the neighbourhood who takes the junkmail from his windscreen wiper and chucks it on the floor - there is a communal bin exactly 2 metres away from the car.
Parents who can't be arsed to look after their kids in a supermarket. I had to lead a worried 3 year-old to her mother in a Sainsbury - could have easily left the store with the child - amazing!
The nouveau riche - went out with a girl who came from an affluent family, you'd never have known they had money. Then I'd meet people who wanted to flaunt their new found wealth (and it wasn't actuall that much) no class (you do see it here too tbh

Young Brits who think everything the tabloids say about the minorities is true.
Local people who come from welfare backgrounds slating immigrants who have had to get welfare (see above).
Gossips at work.
People who question your integrity at work.
Young people who still wear drop-downs or skinny jeans (the latter annoys me in particular when they clearly are not skinny)
Betting shops all over the place (replacing local business).
People hanging outside betting shops...
Noisy neighbours (particularly those who do not understand how bass travel - wear earphones counts!)
People who treat public toilets (including work) as places to display their personal brown artwork...
People like me who cannot stop complaining about people...