Steffen Freund
Not kneejerk, honest!:-"
Today's game brought to a head some things that I have been worried for a few weeks about:
- We don't seem to be a team like Arsenal or other challengers for top 4 that has even semi-clinical finishing prowess; Yes we've had this issue for a while, but I'm struggling to see signs that AVB will ever mould a tram that creates and scores a relatively high number of goals. In fact, even in those cases when we can and should be racking up the goals, we don't seem to actually want to against poor opposition. 2 goals up and we seem to actively ease off. Thus our GD is always worse off than our direct rivals. GHod knows what would have been the case without Bale.
I seem to remember Chelski under AVB being mostly less potent than the previous seasons. And hanging onto slim leads was often punished by the concession of late goals, in PL and esp in the CL.
- Perhaps a part of this is AVB insistence on playing with only one striker; He actively didn't seem to want to buy a striker last January; remember the reaction to Defoe's injury: buy Holtby now not in the summer! If we were only to always play one striker it seems that Benteke or somebody with some of those physical attributes would have been more ideal than Soldado (who cost 26m so was not a stop-gap...). AVB wanted to use Torres or Sturridge instead of also integrate Lukaku. You need more than one way to score; in fact how limp are we now from set-pieces since Bale has left?
- Our conceding of goals from set-pieces is also poor; How have we become so bad in this regard?? Harry's team were very good in this regard so the fact we've gone backwards on this issue has to be done to AVB's coaching methods...again I remember Chelski getting weaker in this area...
- We seem to be hell-bent on using our high-line at all costs, even though we have two of the slowest CBs in the league, who whilst good are always going to be susceptible to traditional British balls over the top with pacy runners attacking. Again Chelski seemed to have the same problems, highlighted very often, most famously in their 5-3 loss against Arsenal.
- Our build-up play is often far too slow, just like what Chelski fans claimed...
It would be interesting to see whether AVB's Porto side ever scored hatfuls or were just winners by 1-0s and 2-0s over the season.
I just fear that AVB's performance in a league like the Prem will always be infuriating until he is able to be less cautious and do get the basics (for this league anyway) right.
Happy to be shot down on the above points with detailed arguments against. I'm especially keen to hear from Thfcsteff, AfricanSpurs, Skyfarer, Mumorn, Braineclipse, BrainOfLevy, Naija, Jurgen plus anyone who can give detailed views for or against.
Today's game brought to a head some things that I have been worried for a few weeks about:
- We don't seem to be a team like Arsenal or other challengers for top 4 that has even semi-clinical finishing prowess; Yes we've had this issue for a while, but I'm struggling to see signs that AVB will ever mould a tram that creates and scores a relatively high number of goals. In fact, even in those cases when we can and should be racking up the goals, we don't seem to actually want to against poor opposition. 2 goals up and we seem to actively ease off. Thus our GD is always worse off than our direct rivals. GHod knows what would have been the case without Bale.
I seem to remember Chelski under AVB being mostly less potent than the previous seasons. And hanging onto slim leads was often punished by the concession of late goals, in PL and esp in the CL.
- Perhaps a part of this is AVB insistence on playing with only one striker; He actively didn't seem to want to buy a striker last January; remember the reaction to Defoe's injury: buy Holtby now not in the summer! If we were only to always play one striker it seems that Benteke or somebody with some of those physical attributes would have been more ideal than Soldado (who cost 26m so was not a stop-gap...). AVB wanted to use Torres or Sturridge instead of also integrate Lukaku. You need more than one way to score; in fact how limp are we now from set-pieces since Bale has left?
- Our conceding of goals from set-pieces is also poor; How have we become so bad in this regard?? Harry's team were very good in this regard so the fact we've gone backwards on this issue has to be done to AVB's coaching methods...again I remember Chelski getting weaker in this area...
- We seem to be hell-bent on using our high-line at all costs, even though we have two of the slowest CBs in the league, who whilst good are always going to be susceptible to traditional British balls over the top with pacy runners attacking. Again Chelski seemed to have the same problems, highlighted very often, most famously in their 5-3 loss against Arsenal.
- Our build-up play is often far too slow, just like what Chelski fans claimed...
It would be interesting to see whether AVB's Porto side ever scored hatfuls or were just winners by 1-0s and 2-0s over the season.
I just fear that AVB's performance in a league like the Prem will always be infuriating until he is able to be less cautious and do get the basics (for this league anyway) right.
Happy to be shot down on the above points with detailed arguments against. I'm especially keen to hear from Thfcsteff, AfricanSpurs, Skyfarer, Mumorn, Braineclipse, BrainOfLevy, Naija, Jurgen plus anyone who can give detailed views for or against.