Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
What surprised me most was Harry's acceptance of the situation... 'they're strong' (not this season they're not) 'it was one of those days' (not at 2-0 up it wasn't) 'I just wanted to get to half-time at 2-0, I looked at the clock and it was 2-2' ...yeah, we ALL wanted to get to half-time at 2-0, but maybe instead of clock watching and wondering wtf happened, you could've done something to shore up the midfield BEFORE the damage was done, then we may have had some sympathy... we could ALL see it coming, and we're not all on ?ú60K a week to see it... YOU ARE, and you were in a position to fudgeign DO something...
ah, fudge it, I give up, the game was lost the moment Harry decided ArseAnal were better than us, even at 0-2 down they were better than us... he gave it up as lost, the same as the team did.
It's like he forgot what we've done to them recently, how THEY ARE vulnerable too... rather than sinking back into his chair of Harry nostalgia and still thinking they're the team of invincibles! fudge me, if last season was an unlikely win... THIS season should been nailed on! Sadly, i think the team thought they had already won at 2-0, and in an instant, thought they were beaten at 2-2... that's a fudging weird state of mind to be playing football in, I tell ye...
Still, Lampard & Gerrard had a good weekend... no doubt Harry's already working out a system to fit them into the same England midfield as we speak! (he was probably drawing up his plans from the 35th minute of the first half on Sunday... seeing as the game there was 'already won'!)
He's constantly referring to the fact that we haven't finished above them in ages as well. He's right, but we are a better team than Arsenal and Chelsea this season, he's right to say it's going to be difficult, but a bit more self belief would be welcomed.