Vinnie Samways
If they hold on, which looks likely
They have absolutely deserved it
it's been easy for them today
we are easy to play against
because we never fudging change anything
If they hold on, which looks likely
They have absolutely deserved it
Could be another 10 added and won't make a diff8 more minutes of this NFL game.
?So has your face
Why is Son still on the pitch? Has done nothing, can't even figure out where he is playing at the moment
Remember, it's only a game... Sorry sport, that is worth billions, that fans pay £1000's to watch and support, players who earn more in a couple months than most people do in a life time... To play like absolute clueless donkeys...Those are the stats that we like to help with. If people want Dr Tottenham tag to stop....THEN THEY SHOULD STOP BLOODY WELL PUTTING IN THESE Performances
It’s my own intelligence I’m questioning at this stage.Some real lack of intelligence on that pitch
Why is it every team is a master of the dark arts when they come to play us.
Do they train to do this? Waste time? Fall over, foul in the build up.
It's like they spend all week getting ready to do this.