I might be preaching to the converted
But I hear some fans moaning that finishing in the CL is not very important and that EL footy might suit our young squad
((I'm guessing figures, I'm too lazy to Google it, but))
If the average earnings from CL might be £100m
and the average earnings from EL might be £20m
and the average earnings from ECL might be £10m
To pick any two teams at random

1) Each year Spurs make it into the CL and Utd make EL, we make 100, they make 20, so we are +80
2) And vice versa if Spurs make EL but Utd make CL we are -80 compared to them
So if 1 happens for 5 years in a row that is 80x5=£ 400m up for Spurs, and vice versa, so we could find ourselves after 5 years £400m ahead or £400m behind, that is a difference of £800m
Could be Arse or Cheatski of course, or Pool or Villa or Newcash, or Spam, but the point remains, the CL money massively ramps up our spending power compared to our rivals
I repeat, a difference of £800m in 5 years when trying to compete with a rival