Johnny nice-tits
China/Vietnam is your friend !!Will need to be some camera to make that look good. I prefer buying the training wear now and usually buy a season or 2 behind as the prices are a joke now.
China/Vietnam is your friend !!Will need to be some camera to make that look good. I prefer buying the training wear now and usually buy a season or 2 behind as the prices are a joke now.
TetrisThe strip on a hanger looks bricky, but on the mannequin the print is more subtle, and I quite like it.
Its a mock up apparently
I have been buying the training gear, but since they now have a sponsor on them I'm less keen.
It's never too simple imo, away kit can be anything now but the simpler the better for our home kit.Let's be honest we all moan when the new kit is released. If its too simple people complain, if its too jazzy people complain.
Probably just another fake going off the leaks, but looks a bit cleaner than the other ones
View attachment 15323
Looks more white to me but each to their own.That looks mint!
Looks more white to me but each to their own.
At last!!! YES