Vivian Woodward
Funny enough that is next on the list to watch for me.
I've watched 2 this morning whilst workingSaw the first episode a couple of weeks ago and it had the feel of a poor man's Lost, so I have decided not to revisited it. Let me know what you think.
Does look very good
I've watched the 1st 3, very slow burn indeed !!Does look very good
Episode 1 of Curb was awesome
Larry David & Prince Phillip are/were my absolute heroes !!!
Pretty pretty goodLarry David is my style icon and I dress like him.
Episode 1 of Curb was awesome
Larry David & Prince Phillip are/were my absolute heroes !!!
Just watched episode's growing on me, it's actually very good.Watched Outlaws last night....wasn't too bad.
Think I'll watch the second episode.