Chris Jones
Some forwards might be quite poor passers... they might think "shall I whack it, I have a 50% chance of slotting it in" versus "shall I pass to my colleague, about 12 yards, whilst I am sprinting at pace and holding off a defender as the keeper rushes towards me and I'm listening for the whistle and looking if the flag is up, but I'm not sure where my colleague is precisely, perhaps he is on his heels, perhaps he is darting forwards, hmmm there he is, just in front of his defender, I reckon I have a 70% chance of making that pass and he in turn would have a roughly 80% chance of receiving the ball, controlling it and slotting it in... hence 0.7 x 0.8 = 56% overall chance of that being successful... hmmm.... yes, I think I prefer those odds to that of me just shooting, yes by Jove, I think I shall pass"