Working as an external auditor is a frustrating job - on the one hand, you've got a manager in your ear, asking why brick isn't done, and on the other, you've got a client who you're tinkling off with your constant requests for "support for this... a breakdown for that... a copy of this..." and who are often unwilling to give you that information.
You're philosophy of being a Danchev to them sounds like the best philosophy, but maintaining that sort of persona, day in, day out will turn you into a Danchev in real life, especially if that's not in your nature.
I always make sure I cover my ass though, keeping records of all my requests etc. If the client won't respond to my original request, a good trick is to forward them the email sent to them earlier, and cc-ing yours and their superiors...
So next time you lot on here are tinkled off with your external auditors, and unwilling to provide them with info, spare a thought for me and DHSF on here, and the fact that we don't like annoying you either!