Terry Dyson
The problem largely is the FDA & AMA are controlled by the executives from the pharma companies, they are not in the public interest. Funding for studies is controlled largely by the pharma interests.
I am not cherry picking something I don't believe in at all (as said in a fair world large scale studies would be done, and your framework would then work fairly and be the best way to find that which works best, this highlights the problem which makes me belittle 'science is best' as a defense), I read JTS's only defending article which said 'the treatments appear to have merit, but 'large scale studies have not been done' this is not a critique with merit, it lacks any real form of counter theory, which I am repeatedly asking for.
If the defense is 'not enough studies' have been done, yet medical authorities will not fund large studies in the face of overwhelming supportive data - It's a strawman.
I hope you can at least appreciate my position, if not agree with it.
Main point:
For me to appreciate your position you at least have to make your position clear. You say that in an ideal world large scale placebo controlled, double blinded studies would be the best way (slight paraphrase). Accepting that we don't live in an ideal world, you seem to think that there are better ways than the current scientific setup. Surely there must be some objective and consistent standard you use to separate truth from fiction here? What is it that standard? Presumably you have some standard you deem to be better than the current scientific one based on double blinded studies funded largely by the pharmaceutical industry, but also by other private and public interests.
Pointing out that there are problems with the current scientifically based setup is not an answer to this, it's changing the subject or dodging the question. Sorry to generalize, but your lack of an answer here seems typical for the alternative side of the debate.
Side points:
Funding for studies is controlled by big pharma, sure. They are the ones developing the drugs, thus they have to test it before it can be brought to market. I seriously doubt that the FDA are "controlled by the executives from the pharma companies". However, even assuming that this was true. What is better about the alternative side? What control agency is there?
One of us doesn't understand what a straw man is. From what I understand a straw man argument is when you incorrectly represent a version of the opposing argument that is easy to argue against. There is a way what you said can be seen as a straw man, but you're the one representing an opposing argument in that sentence so if there is any straw manning being done it's by you.
"Not enough studies have been done" is a very common part of the scientific language in most, if not all, disciplines. Understanding why this is needed is a pretty important part of scientific literacy.