Edgar Davids
Thank you for taking the time to detail this, having been asked a few days ago. I do see there is some sense in what you’re saying.
One thing though - surely given your background in the media you can see he can’t directly quote people / sources within the club and it’s tantamount to ending any relationship he has - or doesn’t have - with them. It would inevitably lead - my assumption, granted - Hojbjerg banging down the door to them to have it out with the named source, no? Thus creating an issue for the club to sort purely for Eccleshare to satisfy your need for names. Or have I read that wrong?
I do and I don’t understand an obsession on here - not specifically you - with people claiming if a source isn’t named, it’s therefore made up guff, which isn’t always the case. In some cases, it obviously is though.
I find it a v interesting subject, discourse in general and the shaping of fan sentiment in a modern media age, hence the lengthy reply.
Hopefully I’m making sense and you can see if the positive intention behind the probing ie to create sensible conversation!
He's a sly dog with his writing. I know from the first five years of my career working as a newspaper reporter and wire service copy editor.
I get what you're saying, Dave, about protecting sources. But there are plenty of ways to acquire supporting material to go with the 'quiet whispers' alluded to by some writers.
On the other hand, a mischief maker (and Charlie has abundant previous with Spurs) could string together a bunch of banal articles where he can show an editor who he's alluding to in referencing protected sources. Once that process builds up, there's a tendency for an editor to just accept that without question. Even if what's being written is sheer twaddle, it appears plausible.
I don't have the least bit of trust in Eccleshare. If the situation were reversed - a season ticket-holding, lifelong Spurs fan who's taken the pizss out of Arsenal over years of prior media work, holding the Athletic's beat reporter's job - there would be torches and pitchforks - blazing pitchforks - to have that reported ousted. Same would apply to ManU and Liverpool.