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Waking up in the morning


Pat van den Hauwe
I'm definitely not a morning person, but need to become one in the near future.

Just how do people do it?

It seems like I'm unable to get out of bed up until I literally have to. It's infuriating. Today I was teaching a lesson at 12:00. The location of it meant that I had to leave my place at 11:00. I set my alarm clock for 09:30 on the other side of my room, and also had a 09:35 alarm on my phone set which I'd placed on top of my wardrobe towards the back so I'd have to reach for it.

Upon hearing the alarm I get out of bed, go over and turn it off. 5 minutes later I hear the phone alarm, get up to retrieve it and press snooze.

A clever me would realize that in this period of time it would be useful for me to get grab a shower, eat some breakfast and go over the lesson plan to have a good start to the day. The stupid unresponsive me does not seem to realize this and presses snooze on 5 minutes up until 10:45 which leaves me no time to have a shower, a rushed breakfast and leaving the flat in a rush forgetting to take lunch with me. The annoying thing is that snoozing on a 5 minute loop for any amount of time really doesn't make you feel any better but the morning version of me sees it as a terrific idea

When I have days that start like this I generally look like I have just got out of bed for the rest of the day and I feel fairly drowsy, up until I get to bed that night which is when my mind decides to switch on and scan through life, the universe and everything instead of switching off and getting good sleep.

In January I've got lessons that start at 7 in the morning and I would love to have some sort of strategy for actually being awake for them.

Tips and hints?
I feel your pain, I'm exactly the same

I have found a fool proof guaranteed method of waking earlier than you need to in the morning, have kids, my two wake at half five every day, and jump on me till I get up to play
It certainly is horrible to wake up early in the morning. its a struggle. i feel depressed, cold, demotivated and tired.

Even more so when you don't like what you do or are not motivated by it.

is that the case with you?

what helps me is turning the TV on straight away so the voices keep me awake. I then turn all the lights on in my room, hallway and kitchen. Eat some breakfast, shower and get out the house.
As a fellow 'hate the ****ing morning' person... I have a lot of sympathy, as back in the day it was very hard for me to get up too. Snooze was the killer.. let it snooze and I find myself in deep **** a bit like you - it's a snowball effect, you just don't want to get up.

I have it nailed these days... I HAVE to have a shower and breakfast no matter what... so I worked out the minimum time from alarm to getting out my front door (20-25 minutes) and at what time I needed to be out the door.. .then set my alarm no more than 25 minutes before that time. So, I have no room for snooze, I simply have to GET UP as soon as my alarm goes, otherwise I'll be late for work. IAnd once you're out of bed, get to the shower ASAP... A nice hot shower in the morning will help MASSIVELY... trust me Then get something for breakfast (very underrated).. a settled stomach settles the mind...

Also, If you can manage it (depends entirely on how you get to work of course), a brisk walk always helps - i have a 5 min walk to the station... massively helps with clearing the mind and the waking-up process in general I find, especially now in winter. Other winter tip, especially if you're getting up in the early morning when it's freezing, if your room is cold when you wake up, get a portable heater and put that on when you wake up... hopefully by the time you get back from the shower your room will be far more tolerable... I find this helps massively when getting dressed...

All easier said than done, but i've found the above routine has cracked it for me. Good luck!
Galeforce - ah that definitely would help!

Spursman - I'd say I am motivated by what I do but the morning version of me just doesn't seem to appreciate that, it's a very rare occasion where I wake up and don't feel groggy as hell.

Unfortunately don't have a tv but perhaps putting my laptop on with some music as soon as my first alarm goes off would be a good idea, it just seems to be aware enough to actually realize that would be a good idea to do that, maybe that could be key to me waking up in the morning.

Ledley - That does sound like a good idea but for days where I don't have to start until 12 it'd be good to be able to get up and be able to do stuff before I had to leave the house at all costs if you see what I mean
Do you have an android phone? I'm experimenting with an app called Morning Routine. The general idea is the only way to turn off the alarm is to scan a particular barcode (I've chosen the barcode on the box of PG tips next to the kettle)

I'm also intrigued by fitness trackers, you can get one that you can wear around your wrist and it will vibrate to wake you up during just the right moment of your sleep cycle (theoretically). If it works it could well be worth buying just for that function as apparently waking up in the right stage of sleep helps massively with waking up.
GHod forbid you get a job with real hours. I had to learn to like getting up early after uni. You body clock gets used to it easily enough, a sleep in for me is now 0830.

Even on a sunday, get up 0600, take the dog fir a walk and pop down the golf club.

The only problem is staying up past 2300, its impossible!
I'm a sufferer/lazy **** too, always have been. Fooking annoying actually.

Do you have an android phone? I'm experimenting with an app called Morning Routine. The general idea is the only way to turn off the alarm is to scan a particular barcode (I've chosen the barcode on the box of PG tips next to the kettle)
Sounds like a neat app, might give it a go myself.

Anyone tried those alarm clock light things that are supposed to wake you up naturally?
Set the alarm to half an hour before you're supposed to get up, have a coffee brewer or a water cooker next to your bed, turn it on, snooze, wake up five minutes later, hurl down the coffee and a couple of guarana pills, snooze for another ten minutes - when you wake up then you should be ready to go. ;)

My girlfriend has an alarm where she has to do a series of slightly difficult brain puzzles to turn it off. Wakes her up somewhat. Search for it on Google Marketplace or Apple Store.
There's an app on android called alarm clock extreme, you can set it so you have to do various things to shut the alarm up. If it is really that difficult for you to get up, set it to no snooze, 6+ maths questions, hardest difficulty. You'll be standing up for ages while an incredibly shrill alarm plays. There's no way you're going back to sleep after that ;)
Mate how timely. I have been struggling to wake up for the past week. I am literally snoozing 10-12 times which is snoozing for an hour. Not sure why im struggling so much.

Hoot I did that - I had an alarm that made me do ****in math quizzes - I had to be ****in einstein to answer those questions. I removed it as I couldnt switch it off or snooze it.
I don't know anyone who 'Likes' getting out of bed in the morning but the reality of it all is it's a 'Must'. The evening routine need to change, try this for a week & no cheating.... Eat earlier (before 6.30pm) & no hot drinks after 8pm. Read anything, book or www for 30 minutes before you go up & get to bed for 10.30 at the latest. However much you want, dont get back up again, read more if the brain will not shut down. Set alarm 0600 & force yourself up & drink Tea/Coffee. Straight to the shower & then eat something....5 days of this & you'll be sorted.
Been doing this for the last 12 years & wake many times before the 0515 alarm. Good luck.
There is an app that makes you answer maths questions, I found that helpful.
I should reinstall that as i don't remember the last time I was on time work
Set the alarm for the very last minute you can that way it goes off you have to get up and do what you got to do...
Or you'll be late. Gives you no choice get up or be late .
Its easy, no caffine after 3pm, read before going to sleep and dont sit up late playing video games.