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Victimpool FC - Klopp leaving, grown men crying

I signed up in hope of a bit of banter with some Spurs. Your posts spoiled that. You do know there are Spurs fans from the north and Liverpool fans born and bread in London, yes? Grow the fudge up.

Good on you for not being a total arse wipe. fudgein "Staff Members" calling other fans "murderers" (yes i know he didn't say it directly, but might as well ave with that #JFT39 bricke). You would think we was Ar5ena1 with all this bile from spurs? Though I have a suspicion that scaramanga, likes the gooners more then us. Proper southerners, ain't they?

Ignore @scaramanga he's just trying to act like the biggest knob on this forum, he is doing quite a good job as it happens.
I dont think anybody no matter what football team they support, Arsenal or whoever deserves spiteful vitriol as @scaramanga come out with.

I have to say though I'm not a fan of very much regarding Liverpool FC, you are a little bit too holier-than-thou for my tastes. It's a game not a religion.

As for football, your fans need to lower their collective expectations and give Klopp time.
Ignore @scaramanga he's just trying to act like the biggest knob on this forum, he is doing quite a good job as it happens.
I dont think anybody no matter what football team they support, Ar5ena1 or whoever deserves spiteful vitriol as @scaramanga come out with.

I have to say though I'm not a fan of very much regarding Liverpool FC, you are a little bit too holier-than-thou for my tastes. It's a game not a religion.

As for football, your fans need to lower their collective expectations and give Klopp time.
I assume you are calling all Northerners animals then?
No, I genuinely mean the countryside that spreads their cities so far apart. Although if we had to draw a hierarchy, Northerners would be somewhere between cows and humans - I think maybe somewhere around the level of those dogs that can do tricks and know how to put a paw out and keep asking for handouts.

Without wanting to stray too far into politics, they'd be above those bien pensant types that live in Islington.
No, I genuinely mean the countryside that spreads their cities so far apart. Although if we had to draw a hierarchy, Northerners would be somewhere between cows and humans - I think maybe somewhere around the level of those dogs that can do tricks and know how to put a paw out and keep asking for handouts.

Without wanting to stray too far into politics, they'd be above those bien pensant types that live in Islington.

Ok, I get it now: you're trolling - hilarious!:D
Ok, I get it now: you're trolling - hilarious!:D
Only partly. I'm making a serious point in a slightly less than serious manner.

I genuinely don't like the North - on the rare occasions I have to travel there I fly in and out as quickly as is possible.
For those of you struggling, this is a map of what Scara thinks of the UK

Now this thread is getting interesting. Let's hope they don't beat us next weekend, we'd be completely invaded by scousers then for sure.
I think this thread is now poor and sadly over the top. I'm no fan of Liverpool FC but some of these childish posts do us Spurs fans no favours.

Most of this thread is just laughing at overreaction and over zealous moderation on RAWK, the ridiculous pronouncements of their last manager and their fans habit of taking themselves a bit too seriously. All good clean fun really and something I would hope that most Liverpool fans could take in their stride.

Personally, I am not too keen on Liverpool but that is mainly because they were the most successful club when I was growing up and all the kids at school who didn't really follow football supported them because they were successful. If I was ten years younger, I would probably feel the same about United.

Other than that, I just find them funny.

Oh and I like the north of England. The cities are mainly brilliant and the spaces between them are amongst the most beautiful in the country.
Most of this thread is just laughing at overreaction and over zealous moderation on RAWK, the ridiculous pronouncements of their last manager and their fans habit of taking themselves a bit too seriously. All good clean fun really and something I would hope that most Liverpool fans could take in their stride.

Personally, I am not too keen on Liverpool but that is mainly because they were the most successful club when I was growing up and all the kids at school who didn't really follow football supported them because they were successful. If I was ten years younger, I would probably feel the same about United.

Other than that, I just find them funny.

Oh and I like the north of England. The cities are mainly brilliant and the spaces between them are amongst the most beautiful in the country.
Pah. You've clearly never been to Halifax
I consider it a drain on my salary and a waste of this country's resources. It's cold, it's often rainy and they have massive gaps between all the cities. When you do traverse these animal-infested gaps you'll inevitably find out that the city in which you've arrived was really not worth the effort.

In certain parts (Liverpool, parts of Birmingham, etc) there seems to be a great pride in staying out of the "get an education, get a job, contribute to society" scheme by which the rest of us live. An attitude that I know can be found in the South but not in anything like the same numbers.

Laughable old boy.
The south has massive pockets of moral dereliction.
I see your annual hatred of the North has piqued...