Ian Walker
Stop itYou tease. Well Daniel, do your thing. It would be a massive statement. To Harry, Modric, Bale, potential stadium sponsors, not to mention other clubs.
The question is, why talk about it? Because it is done. Or because you want to see other offers. The fact that its public is worrying. Sets Chel$ea up to come in with a mega offer. But it sounds like Hazard is sold on us.
If Chelsea came in with a mega offer, it would end them. They made losses of 67 million quid this year, and about the same last year, and the year before that, if I'm not mistaken. They're perilously close to failing to meet FFP rules. They can't afford him, most likely.
Isn't that a brilliant prospect, though? Chelsea can't afford him, but we can.
Of course, If they proposed to sell Torres and Mata to us to raise cash for Hazard, I'd consider it.