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Tottenham v v AEL Limassol match ratings - poll in opening post


Jack L. Jones
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Summary of responses
Fans that were in their seats throughout the match - 8

Fans that couldn't be arsed to get there seats on time - 0

Attendance looked really poor, new stadium looks a bit pointless if there isn't enthusiasm to fill up the stadium and make it a good atmosphere for nights like these. Whatever the reason (Club's selling strategy/Sponsor tickets/Lack in of interest because it's not Real Madrid in the shinier and more money laden Euro cup comp), it looks ****ing terrible.*

*Would have been there myself (and have been for a lot of the "low profile" euro early ties) but have accidentally lived in another country, which makes it difficult logistically
Surprised to see Kane get such high ratings - maybe I'm still being unfairly negatively skewed by the fact that he looks like a lumbering hunched oaf when he plays.
Surprised to see Kane get such high ratings - maybe I'm still being unfairly negatively skewed by the fact that he looks like a lumbering hunched oaf when he plays.

He was getting in good positions, pressing well, combining well. The only criticism I could level at him from today's performance was that he needs to be more clinical. Beyond finishing chances he was excellent in my opinion.

Moving away from today, he's still young and seems genuinely passionate about playing for the club. I'm glad we're sticking with him and giving him a chance. Am hoping he gets starts in a number of league games.

Interestingly the striker he currently reminds me of is Ade. They're similar types of players, even down to the lack of clinical finishing with their chances. Kane needs to learn how to finish and how to dominate defenders a bit more (physically).
Surprised to see Kane get such high ratings - maybe I'm still being unfairly negatively skewed by the fact that he looks like a lumbering hunched oaf when he plays.

He did something productive with the ball most times he had it, whether it was a raking cross field ball, holding it up and moving it on or beating defenders and taking a shout.

He didn't finish all his chances and missed the pen, but he's getting goals, creating opportunities and finding himself in the right place at the right time which is always going to be a good thing. You could be annoyed at him for not coming away with three goals, or congratulate an academy lad for what was a very good performance.

Before I'd seen him play too much, seeing the amount of goals he got I lazily assumed he was a speedy poacher Defoe type, but he's so much more than that. As much as it worries me to say, Soldado would really benefit from watching the attitude and application Kane has, it has an effect on games.
He did something productive with the ball most times he had it, whether it was a raking cross field ball, holding it up and moving it on or beating defenders and taking a shout.

He didn't finish all his chances and missed the pen, but he's getting goals, creating opportunities and finding himself in the right place at the right time which is always going to be a good thing. You could be annoyed at him for not coming away with three goals, or congratulate an academy lad for what was a very good performance.

Before I'd seen him play too much, seeing the amount of goals he got I lazily assumed he was a speedy poacher Defoe type, but he's so much more than that. As much as it worries me to say, Soldado would really benefit from watching the attitude and application Kane has, it has an effect on games.

Soldado would have been crucified by fans on this board for exactly the same performance as Kane delivered today, Kane cannot fail on that many clear chances.

Soldado would benefit from the same level of play time against **** opposition.
Soldado would have been crucified by fans on this board for exactly the same performance as Kane delivered today, Kane cannot fail on that many clear chances.

Soldado would benefit from the same level of play time against **** opposition.

I think the reply back would be that the money cost to purchase Soldado expects a greater return than someone who came up through the academy.
I think the reply back would be that the money cost to purchase Soldado expects a greater return than someone who came up through the academy.

That would be like playing Archer in goal and excusing it because he's cheaper ... (in all seriousness I do get the point, I just think the stick used to measure players on this board is "entertaining" at times)
I though Paulie did ever so well yesterday TBH. Looked much more lively, scored a goal, created chances, should have had an assist (backpass to Lennon) and run quite a lot. Not perfect, but much more the Paulie I thought we would get, and up to what he did against Stoke before the b****** Adam did his ankle. Looks like the four week break after the WC have done him good, and I like to think Pochs training methods is working. He is clearly lacking match fitness, but he will come good.
Soldado would have been crucified by fans on this board for exactly the same performance as Kane delivered today, Kane cannot fail on that many clear chances.

Soldado would benefit from the same level of play time against **** opposition.

I don't think that's true. And also it's not massively relevant, there's stupid posters on every football forum so their stupid opinions don't interest me. Soldado's had plenty of games against lower quality opposition and not looked as good as Kane last night in terms of attitude and application.

Kane can miss some chances you know, irregardless of what you say. Does everyone expect the young striker to do everything 100% percent perfect whilst he's learning the game? No striker is 100% clinical all the time and Harry came away with a goal and showed lots of positive signs, like he does every time he plays and yet here it's all "Lumbering oaf" "Soldado would be crucified"

So negative and so clueless...It seems to be so difficult for people on here to take a positive without having to turn it in to a negative argument against another player. Anyone complaining about Kane's performance needs to get a bit more realistic
Surprised to see Kane get such high ratings - maybe I'm still being unfairly negatively skewed by the fact that he looks like a lumbering hunched oaf when he plays.

Ok slightly harsh but i do know what you mean. He is just so clumsy and looks like he's running in treacle. Weirdly a few years ago i went to Chigwell to see the team train a few times and he looked extremely skilful and quite rapid (Carroll was the other who stood out a mile at that stage) but he seems to have bulked-up to the detriment of his game. He's not massive but he's not as quick/sharp/agile as he needs to be. Last night was the best I've seen him play in that he put himself about, created chances for others, held the ball up well and created chances for himself. For me, he is perfect for that sort of game, or a League/FA Cup game against a team outside the premier league, but the idea of him against the City/Chelsea defence does little for me. I take the view he's a talented lad and (i hope) will be happy to play second fiddle in our squad rather than seek first-team football at a lesser club as i think he's good enough to occupy our 'Third Striker' berth.
I though Paulie did ever so well yesterday TBH. Looked much more lively, scored a goal, created chances, should have had an assist (backpass to Lennon) and run quite a lot. Not perfect, but much more the Paulie I thought we would get, and up to what he did against Stoke before the b****** Adam did his ankle. Looks like the four week break after the WC have done him good, and I like to think Pochs training methods is working. He is clearly lacking match fitness, but he will come good.

It was almost as if something clicked at half-time - he looked a bit lackadaisical in the first 30 mins or more but in the second half he was like a new player.
What in the name of GHod did people see in Townsends performance that earned a seven????? He was totally fu***ing useless!!! He did NOTHING except the penalty, which was good, but other than that all he did was lose the ball! On the right he is so bad it hurts! Works better on the left, because then he can actually pass or cross, and judging by his latests performances, he shots better with his right foot!!
What in the name of GHod did people see in Townsends performance that earned a seven????? He was totally fu***ing useless!!! He did NOTHING except the penalty, which was good, but other than that all he did was lose the ball! On the right he is so bad it hurts! Works better on the left, because then he can actually pass or cross, and judging by his latests performances, he shots better with his right foot!!

Yeah, Townsend was pretty poor. One good shot and his penalty was about the sum of his contribution, although he did work hard at pressing/tracking back (like our whole team did).

His overall play was weak though and he was wasteful. This seemed to be lost on the ITV commentary team though, who spent the entire game sucking him off!! Highlight being when he puts in the penalty... "that's why he remains in Hodgson's plans"... :ross:

I think the overall problem that Townsend has is his decision making and general game intelligence is really, really poor. He nearly always chooses the wrong option. Quite often is extremely selfish (and usually wasteful) when he should pass, and passes when its not on and he should actually shoot. He needs to work hard on this to fulfil the undeniable talent he has.