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Tottenham v Liverpool match ratings - poll in opening post

lloris 6 made a couple of good saves early. would have to be disappointed with the third though.
Rose. 6 Thought he did alright.
Kaboul 4 Time is up.
Vertonghen 6 didn't do much wrong, but he is no leader.
Dier 5 Back to reality for him I'm afraid, but he at least didn't let his head drop.
Bentalab 6 Couple of good passes, but the game passes him by at times.
Capoue. 5 Not able to impose himself today. Not many good intercepting tackles.
Chadli 6 tried hard, unlucky with his shoot. Hit it too well. Faded in second half.
Eriksen 4 Nothing went right for him. Could not get into the game. The thing that worries me the most, given his form last season.
Lamela 5 lots of touches, but no product.
Adebayor 5. You can tell what you will get from him in the first ten minutes. He rarely improves after a bad or quiet start.

Townsend 3 One of Pool's better players in the second half.
Demble 4 does what he always does... not very much.
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Looking forward to seeing Fazio involved. Kaboul is the most error ridden player in the league I feel. Against good players our team goes to pieces defensively. Really do panic, huge mental issues.

Capoue and Bentaleb certainly struggle in games where they are pressed.

Disappointingly, the trio behind Ade really struggled to make any impact in the game. I thought Lamela worked so hard off the ball in the first half especially. On the ball just needs to do the easy things, but he never hid to his credit.

Sterling destroyed us. We practically fell over whenever he came at us. Not great to see, but things will improve I am certain of that.

Good points - we need to play Dembele against better sides - unless Stambouli is a revelation. Bentaleb was lost today and as a result we lost the midfield.
They have an established system, with a settled style, much easier for a new player to slot in.

100th game for BR, vs. 4 for Poch ..

And we have a new manager with his new system, philosophy

I am aware that we have a new manager who needs some time, but our team today with the exception of Dier and Lamela, could have played last year. I'm just having deja vu.

Plus this playing with two defensive midfielders and still getting hammered really ticks me off! If we are going to have a spare man, then put him on Sterling. It was a cert that he was going to play well, can't have been much surprise to anyone, which is worrying.
I am aware that we have a new manager who needs some time, but our team today with the exception of Dier and Lamela, could have played last year. I'm just having deja vu.

Plus this playing with two defensive midfielders and still getting hammered really ticks me off! If we are going to have a spare man, then put him on Sterling. It was a cert that he was going to play well, can't have been much surprise to anyone, which is worrying.

bentaleb isnt a dm
Lloris 6 - couple of excellent stops but distribution is more than just his achilles heel, it's a sick joke

Dier 5 - looked good first half especially going forward but seriously at fault for the first two goals

Kaboul 5 - lost count of the brainfarts; fingers crossed Fazio is a real defender or else we're done for

Vertonghen 5 - absurdly ineffectual when the chips are down - just a shadow of the player that arrived a couple of seasons ago

Rose 5 - painful, offered virtually nothing going forward

Bentaleb 5 - his composure has given way to cluelessness, conceded possession far too easily

Capoue 5 - slow and uninterested

Lamela 4 - unbelievable the number of times he dribbled himself into blind alleys

Eriksen 5 - going through a bad spell

Chadli 5 - offered far too little going forward, should have scored when put through

Adebayor 6 - not his day but at least he looked like he might get something


Dembele 6 - at least he knows how to retain possession

Townsend 2 - Nightmare performance! Maddening because I was all for him when he first burst onto the scene but today he succeeded in proving his detractors called him correctly

Davies 6 - did okay given the carnage around him

Pochetino 4 - you could say hindsight is 20/20 vision but early second half it was clear as daylight he needed to bring on Kane to give us more punch up front
lloris 6 made a couple of good saves early. would have to be disappointed with the third though.
Rose. 6 Thought he did alright.
Kaboul 4 Time is up.
Vertonghen 6 didn't do much wrong, but he is no leader.
Dier 5 Back to reality for him I'm afraid, but he at least didn't let his head drop.
Bentalab 6 Couple of good passes, but the game passes him by at times.
Capoue. 5 Not able to impose himself today. Not many good intercepting tackles.
Chadli 6 tried hard, unlucky with his shoot. Hit it too well. Faded in second half.
Eriksen 4 Nothing went right for him. Could not get into the game. The thing that worries me the most, given his form last season.
Lamela 5 lots of touches, but no product.
Adebayor 5. You can tell what you will get from him in the first ten minutes. He rarely improves after a bad or quiet start.

Townsend 3 One of Pool's better players in the second half.
Demble 4 does what he always does... not very much.

Sorry but on what basis does Dembele get a 4?

I'm sure people just use these match ratings to **** off the players they don't like.
I'm sticking to my usual, rate the whole team with one mark -- 4 out of 10, in this case. I know it's early days, but individual sloppiness can't be excused so easily, particularly when our more experienced players are guilty. We got away with those moments in the first couple of games, but not against a proper side.

Also, when we next play Pool, it has to be worth considering having a man-to-man marker on Sterling. I'd be tempted to pick Lennon and tell him to make the game 10v10 and just shadow Sterling for the whole 90.
Lloris - 6 - Some good saves, but very poor distribution and perhaps could have done better for the third goal

Dier - 4 - Unlucky with the penalty which was soft, but his inexperience showed today. We got a little carried away these past two weeks.

Kaboul - 3 - Pains me to see him like this as he looked like becoming one of our best players in the 2011-12 season, but he was awful today

Vertonghen - 5 - No glaring mistakes, but hardly kept Liverpool at bay

Rose - 5 - Didn't get torn to pieces as badly as he has done in big games in the past, but still nowhere near good enough. Offered little going forward

Capoue - 5 - Struggled a bit. I'll be annoyed if we sell Sandro in favour of him.

Bentaleb - 6 - A few nice passes, but panicked on the ball a little when pressed

Eriksen - 4 - Quiet. Poor corners too.

Lamela - 6 - Looked our most likely player to make something happen, and pleased to see him working his *******s off even when 3-0 down, but nothing really went right for him today

Chadli - 3 - It's a bad thing he scored two last week, because it's convinced people he's good enough. Hardly created anything, missed an absolute sitter by smashing it straight at the keeper when he had the entire goal to aim at from close range.

Adebayor - 6 - Worked very hard, but his lack of composure in front of goal is a worry. Got tackled too many times in the final third and missed a great chance to equalise that would have changed the entire game


Townsend - 3 - Extremely poor. You don't try and skin an opponent when you're the last man and they'll be through on goal if they tackle you. Got tackled every time he tried to attack it felt.

Dembele - 5 - A few nice dribbles and passing sideways. No cutting edge. Same old really. But I'd have still have preferred him to start to Chadli.

Davies - 6 - Game was over when he came on, but didn't let anyone down.

Pochettino - 4 - Very surprised not to see Lennon or Sandro in the 16, think we could have done with both of them today. We did play well in spells, maintaining possession and creating a few chances, but our players looked nervous at times when Liverpool pressed us, some careless passing and finishing really let us down. The simple fact of the matter is, we will not finish any higher than 6th with Chadli and Rose starting games for us, simple as that.
Lloris was horrible today! should have saved the 1st and 3rd, and almost gave a way possibly another 2-3 he was actually quite lucky, which is scary considering we lost 3-0
Lloris - really needs to improve his kicking, missed time and again
Dier - unlucky with the penalty, which shouldn't have been, still looked like one of the few that gave a **** when we were 3-0 down
Verts - needs to step it up in these type of games
Kaboul - oh dear, I felt bad for him today, completely out of his depth against the Liverpool front three, can't play more of these games for us
Rose - positive attitude today, I thought, did a lot of good things, but very slow at getting back home for the 1-0 goal
Bentaleb - out of his depth, could not get going, poor first touches, poor passes, far too slow on the ball, felt sorry for him
Capoue - thought he started pretty well, but went missing after a while, very slow on the ball too
Eriksen - not his day, poor first touches, couldn't get into positions, dribbles didn't come off
Lamela - our best today, despite failing with a lot of the things he tried, but at least he tried, for the full 90
Chadli - decent first half, but went missing in the second, not quick enough
Adebayor - fought pretty well, i thought, had a few chances, but not on the top of his game today
Lloris 5 - Could have done better for the first goal, nearly gifted Balotelli a goal and his distribution was terrible, although he did make a couple of saves from Sterling, Balotelli and Sturridge.

Dier 5 - Maybe should have done better for the first goal and tracked Sterling's run, made a silly mistake giving away the penalty although it was very soft. Worked hard and never stopped running though.

Kaboul 4 - Was our worst player today. Gave the ball away far too often in dangerous areas and was beaten easily too many times.

Vertonghen 5 - Not a terrible performance and no real mistakes of note but did not look that interested in all honesty.

Rose 5 - Should have tracked back for the first goal and offered no real threat going forward.

Capoue 5 - Along with Bentaleb he was dominated in the midfield battle and should have been the man who was marking Sterling but could not contain him.

Bentaleb 5 - Similar to Capoue.

Lamela 5 - He needs to learn to pass more and speed up the play by not holding onto the ball for too long. Can't knock his work rate, along with Dier he was the hardest working player for us.

Eriksen 6 - Quiet game but he kept the ball well, didn't really create much but he kept things ticking over for us.

Chadli 5 - Had a great chance in the first half and should have scored really. Didn't really create much like the rest of our attackers.

Adebayor 5 - Had a good chance and should have done better, needs to improve his sense of when to drop deep or out to the left, a few times someone had the ball out wide and there was nobody in the middle where Ade should have been.
Lloris 6 - Don't think he could have done much with goals, kicking was very poor though

Dier 5 - Lack of experience for the penalty, but Allen i think it was played for it to be honest, barely a touch.
Kaboul 3 - Kept slipping, looked out of place, didn't lead and played them onside for the 1st goal when everyone else had pushed up
Verts 6 - No mistakes, couldn't have done much more on defence to be fair, kabs let him down
Rose 6 - Looked good, nothing really came down his side, and no he wasn't at fault for 1st goal see kaboul.

Capoue 6 - Played some nice forward passes, one should have led to a penalty on ade, but didn't protect the back 4 enough
Bentaleb 5 - See above but without the nice forward passes
Lamela 5 - Good work, holds onto ball too long, played short passes that didn't lead anywhere
Eriksen 5 - Better defensively then Offensively, which is not what we needed with 2 DM's in
Chadli 6 - Anywhere else with that shot would have been a goal, only one to break their defensive line down the Right on more then 1 occasion, unfortunately nothing in the middle for him

Ade 7 - Worked really hard up top, should have had a clear penalty, and just overhit the attempted lob. Only downside was he needs to stay in the middle more, as he is leaving nothing to aim at.
Lloris - 4. Awful, awful clearances set the tone for the match and made the defence nervy.

Dier - 5. Not sure where he was for the first goal? Tried hard and l like his attitude.
Kaboul - 3. Woeful. Just not at the races anymore.
Vertonghen - 4. Just slightly better than Kaboul. Put him up against pace/trickery and he's often left floundering.
Rose - 6. Pick of the defenders for me.

Capoue - 5. To me he looks really slow and flat-footed, seems to take an age to get up to speed when tracking back.
Bentaleb - 5. Didn't really offer anything.
Lamela - 5. Tried hard all game, but nothing really came off. Trying a little too hard on occasion too.
Eriksen - 5. Same as Lamela really, nothing came off. Hasn't had a great start to the season, probably due to him being on the right a bit.
Chadli - 5. Started okay and then slowly disapeared.

Ade - 5. Trying to do to much on his own, poor first touch etc.

Townsend - 3. Awful. I was amazed at how he could not track back after losing the ball. The Liverpool player easily sprinted away from him.
Dembele - 5. No real impact
Davies - n/a

Our lack of pace when compared to Liverpool was scary.
LLORIS 5 - dreadful distribution but kept the score down with good saves from Sturridge and Balotelli

DIER 4 - slow, really stupid decision to tug their man down in the box even if it wasn't extreme
KABOUL 2 - never was the beast some of our deluded fans made him out to be pre-injury, but now he's bambi on ice
VERTONGHEN 4 - couldnt handle Sturridge, goes to ground too easily
ROSE 3 - shat himself whenever he got attacked by the opposition, crap going forward. He has potential but that wasn't on show today

CAPOUE 3 - like a ****ing statue
BENTALEB 4 - not much better, goes missing too often

LAMELA 4 - put in effort blah blah blah but he's so predictable, just runs in to opposition players constantly and lacks pace and power needed in this league
ERIKSEN 3 - ineffective, another one who went hiding when the going got tough. Woeful corners too
CHADLI 5 - did OK but his usual standards, but didn't get the beating of his opponent nearly enough

ADEBAYOR 4 - missed a decent chance, otherwise didn't trouble their defenders

TOWNSEND 1 - what is his purpose as a footballer?
DEMBELE 3 - looked very off the pace, worryingly that's been the case for a while now, nearly a year
DAVIES 4 - not on long enough to **** up like most of his pals

POCHETTINO 3 - got tactically outsmarted and was too stubborn to change anything until game over.
Kabouls suicide pass lead to the penalty. Was silly and inexperienced from Dier, even if the pen decision was a little harsh. Kabouls blame for me, why he even intended to pass I'll never know

IMO Dier's more culpable.
Poch wants the ball to be played out from Defence to midfield, that is what Kab was trying. Eriksen should be coming to the ball to prevent pool intercepting, this is minor, compare to Lamela not helping Dier but ultimately no need for Dier to put his hand on Allen, albeit, it was a dive.
For third goal, where was Dier?
His first job is to defend, he was playing RB?

He deserves to learn and should be allowed to make mistakes, but his adventure was rewarded at WHam and he got credit but on this occasion it backfired, he should carry the responsibility.
That is the fine line between discipline and adventure.
Lloris 6 - Don't think he could have done much with goals, kicking was very poor though

Dier 5 - Lack of experience for the penalty, but Allen i think it was played for it to be honest, barely a touch.
Kaboul 3 - Kept slipping, looked out of place, didn't lead and played them onside for the 1st goal when everyone else had pushed up
Verts 6 - No mistakes, couldn't have done much more on defence to be fair, kabs let him down
Rose 6 - Looked good, nothing really came down his side, and no he wasn't at fault for 1st goal see kaboul.

Capoue 6 - Played some nice forward passes, one should have led to a penalty on ade, but didn't protect the back 4 enough
Bentaleb 5 - See above but without the nice forward passes
Lamela 5 - Good work, holds onto ball too long, played short passes that didn't lead anywhere
Eriksen 5 - Better defensively then Offensively, which is not what we needed with 2 DM's in
Chadli 6 - Anywhere else with that shot would have been a goal, only one to break their defensive line down the Right on more then 1 occasion, unfortunately nothing in the middle for him

Ade 7 - Worked really hard up top, should have had a clear penalty, and just overhit the attempted lob. Only downside was he needs to stay in the middle more, as he is leaving nothing to aim at.

Do you not think Lloris could have saved the first one? It was near post and hardly a rocket. I wasn't even worried when the ball came to Sterling such was the angle.
Sorry but on what basis does Dembele get a 4?

I'm sure people just use these match ratings to **** off the players they don't like.

No positive impact mate. Pretty much like every other game he plays. When he starts it's 90 minutes of beautiful technique, but no goals, no assists and less than effective defensive cover, so I was a bit hard, given he was only a sub.