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Tottenham v Liverpool match ratings - poll in opening post


Jack L. Jones
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Summary of responses
Lloris - 4

Dier - 5
Vertonghen - 5
Kaboul - 3
Rose - 5

Benteleb - 5
Capoue - 4

Lamela - 4
Eriksen - 4
Chadli - 5

Adebayor - 6
Lloris - 4

Dier - 5
Kaboul - 2
Vertonghen - 6
Rose - 5

Capoue - 6
Bentaleb - 5

Lamela - 5
Eriksen - 4.5
Chadli - 5

Adebayor - 4


Dembele - 6
Townsend - 3
Davies - 5
Odd game, Pool played well, their pressing game and pace on break is an obvious threat. Penalty was soft (no more a penalty than their pull on Ade's shirt in box later in game), poor individual error from Townsend for final goal. We looked like a work in progress vs. an established team.

Other points

Lamela, so good to see him demanding the ball, going all game.

Felt we looked light up front, Ade needs to be in the box and someone from midfield needs to support him, too many decent crosses in with no one there. Also worried that the injury to Soldado has shown how exposed we are there.

Townsend/Dembele flattered to deceive as always.

Tough game, but don't feel we embarrassed ourselves (as compared to last season)
Lloris 4 - Has he ever been taught to kick a ball? Should have saved first goal.

Dier - 5
Kaboul 2 - This guy is our captain? The fact that Carlton Cole bullied and pulled his pants down should have been the final warning.
Vertonghen 5 - So so
Rose 5 - Poor going forward, jogged back for first goal despite being out of position.

Chadli 5 - Should have scored
Bentaleb 5
Capoue 6
Eriksen 5
Lamela 5

Adebayor 4

I realise Eriksen was poor but why is he ALWAYS subbed whenever he's quiet? I know this is only one game but I would be happy with 6th again given our squad and build from there.
Today highlighted how urgently we need to replace players like Kaboul and Capoue. Both are slow, prone to mistakes and generally not upto the task when it comes to playing the top teams. Hopefully Fazio can be a better partner to Vertonghen and this Stambouli fella can be the answer for our midfield.

Also we really need another striker to give us something different up top other than Adebayor.

Not sure what's happening with Eriksen as he doesn't seem to have started the season yet..
Capoue better than Nabil :ross:

Guy got given the run around and was terrible on all three goals.

Lloris - could have done a lot better. Kicking was awkward all game, and his mad rush out to challenge Balotelli near the center circle was madness. Stop talking us up pre-match, Hugo: not if you can't live up to those claims in-game.

Kaboul, Verts - horrific, horrific performance from them today. No leadership, no taking responsibility, no grit when it mattered. Kaboul was by far the worse of the duo, though: if this is his last game for us, it's a shame given his past performances, but there is no excuse for the extent of his incompetence today.

Capoue, Chadli, Eriksen - sub-par performances form all three, with Capoue and Chadli in particular looking absolutely horrific: no heart, and no desire to change anything once we went 2-0 down. Eriksen just had a day off: he ran around an awful lot, and didn't shy away from the ball. Capoue and Chadli, however, shirked their responsibilities and did badly when they did step up. Woeful.

Ade - tried hard, but his quality seems on the wane. Should have scored at least once, and had a horrible first touch today.

Dier - like I said, he'll come up against better players and will be skinned a bit. He was. He's still very talented. And what I loved about him today was that he kept making runs up the field and trying his damn hardest even after we went 3-0 down, even when his supposed 'seniors' like Kaboul and Verts had long since given up.

Townsend - horrible introduction, and our attacks went into a black hole whenever the ball ended up at his feet.

Rose - tried his hardest, and was a decent runner throughout the ninety.

Bentaleb - don't play him from the start: ease him in, because he isn't ready to start against the top sides.

Poch - I hope he got some insight into the mental state of some of our players today.

Daniel - Work to be done.
Odd game, Pool played well, their pressing game and pace on break is an obvious threat. Penalty was soft (no more a penalty than their pull on Ade's shirt in box later in game), poor individual error from Townsend for final goal. We looked like a work in progress vs. an established team.

Other points

Lamela, so good to see him demanding the ball, going all game.

Felt we looked light up front, Ade needs to be in the box and someone from midfield needs to support him, too many decent crosses in with no one there. Also worried that the injury to Soldado has shown how exposed we are there.

Townsend/Dembele flattered to deceive as always.

Tough game, but don't feel we embarrassed ourselves (as compared to last season)

Not taking issue with most of you post mate, but they did have four new players in ( Moreno, Manquillo, Lovren, Balotelli), five if you count Can.
I surprised that Kaboul is getting all the blame rather than Dier. Dier was to blame for two of the three goals today and looked like a centre back playing out of position.
I surprised that Kaboul is getting all the blame rather than Dier. Dier was to blame for two of the three goals today and looked like a centre back playing out of position.

On the first goal Kaboul could se the line but stepped back else it would have been offside.

Second goal Kaboul passes straight to a Liverpool player, Dier is obviously more to blame but Kaboul still involved.

Third goal Kaboul must come out and attack the player, cant just step back and let the pool player shoot. Townsend obviously should not have dribbled in that position..
I surprised that Kaboul is getting all the blame rather than Dier. Dier was to blame for two of the three goals today and looked like a centre back playing out of position.

Kabouls suicide pass lead to the penalty. Was silly and inexperienced from Dier, even if the pen decision was a little harsh. Kabouls blame for me, why he even intended to pass I'll never know
Not taking issue with most of you post mate, but they did have four new players in ( Moreno, Manquillo, Lovren, Balotelli), five if you count Can.

They have an established system, with a settled style, much easier for a new player to slot in.

100th game for BR, vs. 4 for Poch ..
DubaiSpur - Lamela?

Gave him a 7 and the MOTM in the Google Poll. Best of a bad bunch, bar Dier (for effort). Always played with his head up, tried to make things happen and ran at the Liverpool defense tirelessly. His work rate's impressed me, to be honest : I thought he'd have to be replaced by Lenon in games like this (requiring a more defensively active player), but he's worked very hard whenever he's been in the side.
Looking forward to seeing Fazio involved. Kaboul is the most error ridden player in the league I feel. Against good players our team goes to pieces defensively. Really do panic, huge mental issues.

Capoue and Bentaleb certainly struggle in games where they are pressed.

Disappointingly, the trio behind Ade really struggled to make any impact in the game. I thought Lamela worked so hard off the ball in the first half especially. On the ball just needs to do the easy things, but he never hid to his credit.

Sterling destroyed us. We practically fell over whenever he came at us. Not great to see, but things will improve I am certain of that.