Phew. Tense. But loved it. Bale, Ade Lennon really stepped up when we needed it. Great 3 points. Oh how I've missed saying that.
Kaboul, player of the season. What a player.
Caulkers fault for the goal. Nowhere near Adebayor. Not good enough to come back to us.
Ade hasnt done much this game - brick
Player of the season? not a chance, at least 4-5 players ahead of him
Swansea nothing to play for, Spurs all to play for.....
3-1 Spurs. Let's see how the Scum respond to some pressure.
I think Kaboul has been our best cb this season. Loves his hoofs and pointless runs upfield still though.
kaboul has easily been our best cb this season but today he was getting caught out of position a few times (due to the runs). Hell he even did that forward run when it was 2-1.