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*** Tottenham Hotspur vs. Partizan Belgrade EL OMT ***

I reckon our under 18s would put up a better showing than this. We seriously need to ship out some of these average players and at least get some in who actually look like they give a toss
Easy enough to find out. We are probably on the phone to them now. I think that it is most likely someone at the company (or their agents) seeking cheap publicity but I would not be surprised if they have just cost them a contract.

@br_uk: Update: Looks like group of YouTube pranksters called Trollstation were behind Spurs invasion http://ble.ac/1pswNO7
This is one of the worst games Ive seen.....what do the players do in training...all they do is pass the Fing ball...not an ounce of brains among them,,

and how much are these guys earning..its unbelievable and a disgrace!

The players don't put any effort in so neither do the fans anymore, hence the reason the place is 3/4's full !!!
Dembele either dwelling on the ball or losing it. Why does he play line we're 5-0 and running the clock down?

Sitting on my porcelain throne using Fapatalk
Watching tottenham for the last 2 years has been an awful experience for me. The club is in my blood but we now play a slow moving boring type of football.

I would rather be a middle of the table side that lost every one in 4 then have this utter rubbis. I will give Poch time, do not care if he is with the club 5 years because I think that is what we need to do with a coach unless we look like going down. But this style of play except for a brief brief spell under sherwood is such utter boring rubbish way to play football.

Spain have a lot to answer for, why could we not follow the German path of playing.
Turgid half. I'd write more but after watching that I'm online looking for a new pair of headphones.


stambouli is usually our best player whenever he plays.. i reckon hes injured.

I hope you're right because he's made Huddlestone look like an Olympic sprinter in that half.
Definite reperscussions after this you would think. Behind closed doors if we progress. We could offer to play at a neutral venue...Milton keynes anyone?
The sickening thing is that other clubs seem to pick up decent hard working players for reasonable fees and we pay big money. It would be great if just one of them looked like they will come good. I was excited when we signed Soldado and Lamela but neither of them look to me like they will ever make an impact in the prem. Partizan are not a bad outfit but most of the top half prem teams would beat them comfortably
same players. what a surprise.

I don't see how its just the players. If we keep pushing our full backs high up the pitch, there will always be huge gaps down the flanks. But we are doing it game after game and look so vulnerable as a result.