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*** Tottenham Hotspur vs Liverpool OMT ***

We havent been that bad, or actually quite good on the ball. Parker doing a good job.

But when they attack, they look like scoring.
I think AVBs thinking was inverted wingers and overlapping forwards feeding the centre (rather than fb's and wingers getting into the same space) unfortunately that meant no Dembele in the centre
I think we've been the better team this half. its not like they've been peppering us, just a really decent goal. people on here can be such whinging bitches. we haven't even lost for 12 games ffs were well in the game.

Looks like me and you are in the minority...... Then we go and score a deserved equaliser.
Don't know what people are watching sometimes.
Good performance especially as Liverpool have been ripping teams apart and we are carrying two players ( Defoe and Livermore).
reasonably happy with the first half - getting caught at the back on the counter a bit but asking a fair few questions ourselves - can go either way at this point and the goals haven't finished

Beautiful goal by Verthongen again! But it has to be mentioned, while I never ever condone violence in any shape of form, if Suarez' career ended here and now, football as a whole would be a better sport. Immense talent can never outweight being a truly disgusting person.
Looks like me and you are in the minority...... Then we go and score a deserved equaliser.
Don't know what people are watching sometimes.
Good performance especially as Liverpool have been ripping teams apart and we are carrying two players ( Defoe and Livermore).

I think we've played well too

Dembele is bossing the game from the right and side and the middle. When he comes in its leaving room for Walker

Maybe that's the plan
Looks like me and you are in the minority...... Then we go and score a deserved equaliser.
Don't know what people are watching sometimes.
Good performance especially as Liverpool have been ripping teams apart and we are carrying two players ( Defoe and Livermore).

One of Parker and Livermore have to go. Parker doing his best to slow the game down and Livermore is looking like a passenger. Dembele and Sig our busiest and better players so far.
Ref has been very weak.

Suarez and Gerrard shouldn't be on the pitch. Beckham got (rightly) sent of against Argentina for less than Suarez's tussle with Parker and Gerrard's was a clearly intentional elbow - he even stops looking at the ball to see where Bale is.

If the ref had balls this would be over.
Would still like Holtby for Livermore.

Think Livermore needs to keep deep, play simple passes, and let others get forward. His physical presence is far greater than Holtby. I'm sure Hotlby will get a run out second half as we tire.

We will be shagged after 70 mins. It was a huge game on Thursday.

AVB - sort the midfield. Need more men in there. Defoe can run the channel, and then midfield get into the box when we're attacking, with Livermore holding back to cover.
Looks like me and you are in the minority...... Then we go and score a deserved equaliser.
Don't know what people are watching sometimes.
Good performance especially as Liverpool have been ripping teams apart and we are carrying two players ( Defoe and Livermore).

I'm with you two guys. This is pretty a-ok so far.
Last Sunday felt almost a bit casual, but not today. fudge I hate these fudgers. Tense as fudge. Did I mention fudge? :lol:

Totally agree. Hate watching games at home. The time just drags, stomach is churning up like f#ck. Just want to get this game out of the way coming away unbeaten
Despite him being on the right, personally I think Dembele has been the best player on the pitch.