David Ginola
I remember asking Ginola why he did that run vs Barnsley in the cup and he said because I can, and if stopped to think about it i would have been tackled
I think that is exactly right. Whether playing tennis, or in an important business meeting, 'thinking', analysing the situation in the heat of the activity is the worst thing you could do. Our brains have a limited capacity. You should be acting on instinct.
What you do however (or can do), is set out your mental approach before hand. Or when you get a moment to think. So for me I find I play better tennis if my approach is: I am here to enjoy this game, I don't mind if I do not win. Now that works for me. I am not a good tennis player but I beat players who I normally lose to by taking that approach. In meetings I personally find it best to predetermine what I want from them. I put my desired outcome consciously into my mind. In football, of course players aren't actively thinking - I will make a run. Or conversely how many times do players miss an easy chance when they have too much time to think? Get the mentality right beforehand.
When 1-1 Henry would just see the ball in the corner of the net. Not think at all. Let his instincts do it. But he thought about it when training, when preparing.