i would never say that the other way around because we arent solid like chelsea. im not just saying it so when we lose i can say i told you so; its just my opinion on chelsea's style and whats going on here. ive never seen spurs suck a side in, whilst penning them into their own half in my life. so no, you're quite correct, i wouldnt say it the other way around because it would happen in a million years. the game is being played almost exclusively in our own half, regardless of who is in possession.
Well that's my point - it's based on who the teams are not how the game is being played - Spurs have possession : Chelsea are allowing them - Chelsea have possession : Chelsea want it
If we had played this half out how Chelsea had the commemtators would be talking about luck and how Chelsea had squandered chances, but as it's Chelsea it's all part of the plan