Terry Naylor
This could well end the Trust as a useful conduit with the club. They have essentially declared war on the club and surely the club will trust them less now. It is one thing making comments to the press, another using them to attack the club.
They make some good points, but they also are grossly misleading when they say prices have been increased by up to 70%. I assume this number can be reached by a lower East Stand ticket holder insisting they stay in the middle at the same distance from the pitch, but this is not representative. The club have made mistakes, notably the ridiculous comment that prices haven't gone up at all because the offerings are not like-for-like and the limits on the concessions, while the placing of the 1882 seats in the south stand was a PR mistake at best, but writing unbalanced articles in the press is likely to be counter-productive.
The suggestion that the club could still reduce prices is naive. A lot of fans will have chosen their seats to fit their budget. While a price drop would be nice, it will come with the annoyance that they could have got a better seat if they had known the reduced price. Reversing the concessions policy could also add to the aggravation for fans who have moved to get the concession. Time will tell if the club have made a mistake with the pricing. Restoring cup games or discounting them is a better suggestion, but the club won't be listening to the trust after this.
Listen to the fighting vock podcast with the trust this week. They come across decent people just a little bitten by all of this
I do think they need a PR lesson or two as the way they have written stuff around the tickets and pricing would (for me) break their relationship with the club. Ive learnt that you have to use posture language even in a negative message to keep people aligned and they basically tear into the club in theirs