lurker of old
Sebastien Bassong
Only in the UK.... I cannot imagine that any other country would insist on such a detailed plan... what kind of diesel shall be used etc etc etc, the specification of everything is detailed to the nth degree.
Only in the UK.... I cannot imagine that any other country would insist on such a detailed plan... what kind of diesel shall be used etc etc etc, the specification of everything is detailed to the nth degree.
Are you Bruce Wayne?I built a new house to replace an old bungalow a few years back and had to spend £6000 on building a bat roost in the garden whilst the work was on-going. I had the grand total of zero occupants... that was a planning permission condition that was a ridiculous additional (and unnecessary) cost that I couldn't avoid!
It's only "proper" because you call it proper, and new stadiums are only "soulless" because you imagine and call them soulless. It's all in your mind.I don't know - IMO it and Goodison are about the last of the 'proper' grounds. Rectangle - 4 double tier stands with infills. An antidote to the soulless wavy bowls. A lot of away fans are fond of it too for that reason.
It's only "proper" because you call it proper, and new stadiums are only "soulless" because you imagine and call them soulless. It's all in your mind.
The new stadium will become whatever the people that go there want it to be. If you go there with the attitude that it's soulless and boring, that's exactly what it will be. But if you go there with an attitude that it's magnificent, it will be exactly that! Magnificent!
Hi Guys, I kind of understand the nostalgia that all you regular visitors to WHL have with the current stadium.
As an overseas fan, I am not really That concerned.
I see the new project as:
- Giving us one of the best stadiums in Europe
- Providing the club with the necessary revenue to compete with the best clubs i.e transfer fees & wages
- Uplifting the dump that is Tottenham at the moment.
No offense meant to you guys, but we cannot just stay in the current stadium if we want to progress.
Totally agree with you, but when you been going for nearly 60 years you get very comfortable (wrong word for seating) with an old friend who you've shared great joy and moments of depression with you start to get very sentimental. I'll never forget the magic of first going with my dad or the disappointment my son felt when we lost the first game I took him to. It will be and end of an era.
Totally agree with you, but when you been going for nearly 60 years you get very comfortable (wrong word for seating) with an old friend who you've shared great joy and moments of depression with you start to get very sentimental. I'll never forget the magic of first going with my dad or the disappointment my son felt when we lost the first game I took him to. It will be and end of an era.
It's like trading in your old Fiesta for a new Mondeo. You miss the old car and look back fondly... for about a week, then it is all forgotten and you enjoy the new car.I respectfully struggle to understand that - the new stadium is virtually in the same place as the current one, with the main difference being four new stands infinitely better than the current ones, with one stand being a true marvel - personally I think with that stand along with all the colour and flags we will bring (ala dortmunds ground) the atmosphere will be significantly better than it currently is at WHL.
That's without even going into the remarkable external design and the facilities this mega stadium will have.
Could understand what you mean if this was arsenals Emirates move or west hams Olympic move (moving away from their 'home' and into bland boring looking stadiums) but in our instance I cannot understand people who will miss WHL in its current form - it is literally being re-born on a truly incredible scale.
Personally it cannot come soon enough, externally the current WHL is poor to say the least and internally whilst it has great character, I cannot stand those chelsea coloured seats.
And of course this new stadium instantly transforms us to Super Club status. I need TP for my bunghole ASAP!!!
Totally agree with you, but when you been going for nearly 60 years you get very comfortable (wrong word for seating) with an old friend who you've shared great joy and moments of depression with you start to get very sentimental. I'll never forget the magic of first going with my dad or the disappointment my son felt when we lost the first game I took him to. It will be and end of an era.
Hi, can understand your point of view.Pretty much how I feel about it as well, I have spent more time at the Lane then in any of the places I have lived over the years and it will always be special for me. As you say its a end of a era but with a new stadium a new one begins.