Joe Kinnear
Child and concession tickets are non existent in realitySeason ticket prices were frozen but individual games went up right?
I do think it's important to distinguish the commitment of STs paying in advance and committing to the tickets irrespective of current form and games being rescheduled to other days and times. If the demand for day trippers isn't there due to the increased then prices will fall accordingly but if STs go too high then those who who aren't in the highest brackets of loyalty points might choose to cherry pick bigger/ better scheduled games on a more adhoc basis.
A season and a half at Wembley sitting with random really showed me the importance of sitting with a similar set of fans with the same expectations of what going to a match involves.
Not sure if they still do it but I'm sure we used to give a few hundred away to local schools/ community projects and I think it might be more useful to look at these type of opportunities to open game attendance to people it might be out of reach for due to the pricing levels.
Not sure what type of realistic discount protestors are looking for but I don't think 5-10 would change the decision attend, but a small % redistributed for the scenario I suggested would be a good thing to do.
Not sure what child prices are like but maybe that's something that could be looked as the impact on a family going may be more significant?
The club don’t even define how many they will sell anymore
A family of 4 casual fans would pay about £250 I reckon