Dimitar Berbatov
I might be wrong but i think what @nayimfromthehalfwayline is saying (and so am i) is that perhaps Poch hasn't improved every player individually as much as we think. They look good within a super organised and well drilled team. In a team without those characteristics they could look rather average (there are exceptions of course and im not downplaying Poch's work)I dont think he has either - but I think Nayim is right as a general rule. He has made most players he has coached better players, current and past players constantly gush about him. Can you think of many who have gone on to be better or even as good as they were under Poch? Lallana and Walker have been as good, beyond that Im struggling....
I always thought that with Fergies teams, the Nevilles, Irwin, Butt, Park, Pallister etc...elsewhere you might not even notice them.