Gerry Armstrong
What nobody will admit to is that they do not know all the facts or both sides agreements, without those you cannot make a judgement. It's about how social media misuses such situation and gets uninformed people to making assumptions. These case are legal issues and are to be debated in court, the results of a trial are fair comment for debate on all mediums but nobody should be found guilty by public opinion before trial.
I'm not trying to justify anyones actions or morals, simply trying to demonstrate there could be differing views on the case. I will not make my mind up until after the case if there is one as I believe it's a much better alternative than to lock people up on an others word without a trial.
When the conviction rate for sexual assualt is 2% then I'm not at all surprised women go onto social media to show their evidence. Particularly when it's a technicality. The courts you want to rely on are failing them horribly and are inneffective. The innocent until proven guilty line trotted out is also empty in the face of figures like 98% of cases don't end in conviction. If a man isn't ultimately convicted it certainly doesn't show he's innocent. This is why Arsenal are looking mucky in this and it's going to get worse for them if you know who continues to be fielded. I say good on these women who put their evidence up on social media, their frustration with the legal system may have boiled over and they need some kind of recourse. The amount of women making allegations up is going to be a tiny fraction in the 98% of men who get off. Victims talk about their day in court and needing to be heard and this provides a version of that.
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