Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
Some interesting points obviously based on your experience so it's obviously not for me to agree or disagree with for the most part.
I just think the premise from the OP is a tired and lazy one - So let's say the "modern generation" (whoever that is) aren't equipped to go to war, is that actually a bad thing? It's not something anyone should really have to do and I don't think those who actually were brave enough to go through it would wish it on anyone else. Boomers can sit on the Internet and chortle at how bad young folks are suited to warfare having never experienced it themselves but it's fairly meaningless and is loaded with a misplaced / unearned smugness.
Not really sure on the university point still but you're not obligated to expand on it, it does seem an odd angle. And the parenting point, a small difference in strictness of what you've experienced and nowadays is a smaller gap then when it was commonplace to assault your kids for talking back. I prefer the style of parenting / education that isn't enforced by violence and fear, you see some brick parents and see some good..
To be fair I don’t blame the younger generation, I lay the blame at the entities I mentioned before. Also I’ve heard many stories from my parents who both grew up just after WW2 and they came from big families and didn’t have much money, certainly didn’t have luxuries we have today like holidays abroad or even things we take for granted like eating out, my parents said they never ate out, it was something only rich people did. So I do think that kind of upbringing will naturally toughen most people up and give them a bit of resilience. Societies tend to get softer as they grow richer (I know we’ve had peaks and troughs with recessions and cost of living crisis but the general trend since the war was been an upward trajectory in terms of quality of life).
Kids these days IMO don’t have enough freedom, not like when I was younger. They don’t play outside as much as they did when I was a kid. I think a kid needs to explore and go and do their own thing, they’ll learn not to do certain things and to make their own risk assessment. There’s a saying “prepare the child for the road not the road for the child”. Universities in America don’t stand up enough to the students who shout speakers down, pull fire alarms to interrupt guest speakers etc. if you don’t want to go to a lecture from a conservative speaker that’s fine but don’t allow the more vocal students to ruin it for the people who do want to attend. I’ve read and heard accounts from university professors who all say if you threaten to punish students who do it then it will stop but they allow it to happen. I don’t think the people who run these universities are doing themselves any favours or the students when at some point they will have to get jobs and go out into the real world and this sort of behaviour won’t or shouldn’t be indulged.
Social media is also a big factor. If it had been around when I was growing up I honestly don’t know how my parents would have dealt with it.