Jose Dominguez
Nice one that. I have a Yamaha CP300 and an old Korg CX3, and I sadly never have time to use them. I kept them myself when I sold my sound hire company. The CX3 at least gets used quite a bit, as I often hire it out for concerts, as Hammonds B3 and Leslie are few and far between, and a pain in the ass to move around.
Still regret I didn't keep the Fender Rhodes! It was old, but in absolutely mint condition!
I just love that sound of a Fender Rhodes. I have 1100 tones on my Roland and just don't find the right tone for all those songs that have a Rhodes Piano in them. I searched and searched for one for Riders on the Storm. In the end I compromised.
I'm only in year 2. Next step is to go midi and find these external tones and get them into my gigging armoury.