Definitely worth it, there is a link between ADHD and differing interactions with stimulants.
If you look at the website/app PhychTools, it has the recognised self reporting tests on.
Your overall total score was 78 out of a possible 181 points.
Your scores indicate the following:
ADHD (inattentive sub-type): present
ADHD (hyperactive sub-type): not present
Oppositional Defiant Disorder: not present
Conduct Disorder: not present
Anxiety and/or Depression: present
I did one my wife sent for ASD, 106 I think it was, somewhere between good chance and definitely.
I think its def worth someone having a look at my noggin, even if it just provides a laugh.
I sorta believe there may be a problem brain/psyche wise, its very borderline with caveats sort of thing.
I'd be more interested in the chemical/biological side of things, weed sends me paranoid with a chance of being sick, alcohol keeps me up all night and has produced some great problem solving (I don't want to big it up, but I've fixed tech issues drunk, while a team hasn't been able to sort it sober for a week, me included) even when I don't remember wtf I did.
This intense sleep nonsense however is new, and I don't like it one bit.