Jimmy Cantrell
Gaslighting me now, cool
What history of international war crimes? Are you just repeating the current rhetoric? If a terror organisations HQ is beneath a hospital, then attacking it is no longer a war crime. Read up on international war legalities if you don't want to believe me
And by the way, what kind of government builds their HQ underneath a hospital? Have you ceased fire, excuse the pun, for one moment to ask yourself that?
Your question about what if the terror organisation was underneath an Israeli hospital is a hugely disingenuous question but I'll give my response
Why would Israel allow a terror organisation of their enemy beneath their hospital? If, somehow it has managed to magic itself under there, I can assure you that the patients would be out within 45 minutes not 45 days!
The reason I know this is that Israel prioritises the safety of their civilians. Does hamas?
It's why Israel invested in the Iron Dome. Did you ever stop to wonder why that was necessary? Maybe because it was constantly under attack from their's not for the want of trying that there haven't been more Israeli civilian deaths. If there had been, if 50% of the hamas rockets had been "successful", would you reconcile yourself to the gazan deaths more?
Do you know what a miklut is? It's a legal requirement for all residential building companies whereby they must fit each building with a bomb-proof safe room. Why do they do that do you think? We don't need them here in the UK!
The Israeli citizens have been spending more time in their mikluts than out over the last 40 days....
The gazans have no bomb shelters nor iron domes, because hamas WANTS civilian deaths on their side
One more note on your chart above... there's no context even if the numbers are correct which I'm not saying they are or aren't
The context missing is that, since 2008, when hamas took control over gaza, there have been multiple suicide bombers attempt or succeed to kill Israeli civilians and multiple rocket attacks too:
I'm sure all of the above will fall on deaf ears which is why I mentioned about putting you on ignore
If it turned out, for example, that hamas had nothing to do with October 7th and it was Israel that did it instead - I'd be the first person to back track and switch to the other side
When provided with evidence that is in conflict with your view, you should be mature enough to acknowledge and change your view
Using a football analogy.... you're at a game, Raheem Sterling dives, and we all call out "Dive" as fans of the opposing team. When we see in fact that Romero did trip him, only the most deluded people will continue to say it was a dive.........
Failing to mention the ICC, ICJ, UN and amnesty International who have for years reported about the flouting of international law and the prohibited confiscation of land. Which then lead to the unlawful killing and detention of protestors. I mean how dare those pesky Palestinians dare complain, maybe that was Hamas too.
Maybe amnesty international who released a detauled report into the violations in 2019 are just anti semitic which seems your go to for anyone who dare provide balance to any argument.
The point is yes Hamas are a terrorist organisation and play a massive if not majority role in all this, but to act like Israel have been the sweet an innocent light in the last 75 years is absolute lies. I can at least be honest and say us Jews have treated Palestinians with equal contempt they have to us.
I'm more than happy to be put on ignore, saves me from the low grade youtube propaganda you littered on here