True, but land lost during a war is a perfectly normal event. That's not an unusual situation.yep it was taken from them.
“The LoN gave it to Britain.” there is more much more to it than that.
True, but land lost during a war is a perfectly normal event. That's not an unusual situation.yep it was taken from them.
“The LoN gave it to Britain.” there is more much more to it than that.
And I'm doing my best to educate (although it doesn't appear to be working)..Ha! I must admit a lot of my posts towards him are more mischievous than out of any real vitriol![]()
Yes exactly.
Paragraph 1 contradicting paragraph 2 was intended?
Look around you - just on this board - raking over the past will not help you reach a peace. Only forward thinking and planning can.
4 KsC - hence my comment about them being better at interpreting regulations and guidelines.You quoted a portion from an article, not the document and the full context.
They can and do also choose not to call other terrorists, ‘terrorists’. That…..was the point. I’m not going to bother opening the two links, instead I’ll do you a solid and give them to you, because I feel like you really, really need this. Some more homework:
Please can you tell me how long the BBC has been in existence and how many hours of news it has broadcast?
Please can you tell me how long the BBC has been online? And in reference to that, average out how many articles have been posted in that time. How many of those have been posted about Hamas (a rough percentage will do)
Please can you tell me how many times across all its news articles and broadcast content, the word ‘terrorist’ has been used explicitly by the BBC in reference first to Hamas, and then in general, so you can ascertain whether there is a bias in place.
At the moment you have two examples above, let’s go back to you sourcing 998 more examples (a tiny number still I’m sure you’ll agree in context). I’m going to buy you a big folder which you can put all your research in and some colouring pencils to make some pretty graphs and pie charts. You can compile everything together into a big dossier and call it whatever you like. Then we can arrange a date for you to march triumphantly into Portland Place with your lovely big dossier (I’ll even arrange a crew to shoot it for you if you like?) and hand it in to a runner to deliver straight to their complaints department. I truly believe it will be a special moment for you, a triumph of justice over evil. You’ll be known as Gosport’s answer to Laurence Fox, both very similar characters.
Feel free to DM me with your findings so we don’t derail this thread further with your special investigation.
I don’t have a subscription to The Telegraph, it sounds like four people have complained and without knowing the context, I imagine if the BBC responded they would just refer to their guidelines. And we come full circle…
Edit: Couldn't help myself, looked at the two further examples because I knew they would be a reach;
1. 'Alfie Stevens, 24, of Surrey Quays, pleaded guilty to three charges of dissemination of a terrorist document during a hearing at the Old Bailey.
2. York Council's definition which BBC has shared
1000 it is then.
Isn't it sad that we can't see beyond a world with no radical extremists? Israel is NOT a radical, extremist country
IF hamas were removed, then yes I do believe that for a period of time we might be able to enjoy some peace
Palestinians and Israelis CAN and DO live side by side currently, in Israel. They have jobs in Israel and then return to gaza. Israel does not hate the people of gaza...
All it took for the Good Friday agreement to be signed was a PM who was both desperate to ensure his legacy and willing to sell out our own military to get it.Take opinions like the one linked by Rorschach above. That's just of no use, just leads to more retribution? Been tried enough including from leaders and just gets everyone bogged down in history?
My impression is that Israel has been mostly unapologetic about the negative consequences of their actions on the Palestinian people. Do you disagree?
Been a long time since I've educated myself on the good friday agreement. A good understanding of, and empathy for, the grievances of the other sides was of little to no importance in reaching that agreement then?
I hope they canThe entire situation is sad. Humanity is too often a source of immense sadness.
You think Israel can remove Hamas through military action?
Where did Dawaxman outline his beliefs on Israel’s policies? He has stated he is not comfortable with settlers and favours a two state solution! Seems like you just want a fight and are trying to erect straw men to argue with. And that is the wider issue here. Many people who are rightly or wrongly against Isreals actions jumping in without a great deal of knowledge, accusing people who are grieving and trying to deal with a barbaric act of terror, of being wrong.
Can you appreciate this is not a black-and-white issue? For you to have your bias, is itself polarising. It is hard to get out of an in-group here, but that is the crux of the conflict.
4 KsC - hence my comment about them being better at interpreting regulations and guidelines.
As this has dragged on, it appears that the majority opinion is firmly against the BBC. They're standing alone now in the UK (well, along with the dregs of society that are trying to create some kind of equivalence).
And I'm doing my best to educate (although it doesn't appear to be working)..
This is probably the most important question going from where we are now.You think Israel can remove Hamas through military action?
This is probably the most important question going from where we are now.
I hope they can, it won't be easy though. The follow on question from yours is probably "What if they can't?"
If they can't, then Israeli people will never be able to live in peace. There's no number of concessions, no amount of land that will make Hamas happy to live with the existence of Israel. Hamas doesn't exist to fight for freedom or better conditions, Hamas exists because they have a medieval belief system that tells them the existence of Jews (or gays, or women with rights, etc) is inherently wrong.
My preferred outcome in Israel has always been a two state solution. I thought that was near to impossible before the last few days, now I can't see any way that can happen.
How would that happen? Would Hamas just allow free elections in Gaza? Would Iran just stop sending enough help for them to control the population and attack Israel?If a genuine 2 state solution came about then you'd find Hamas would just fade away (not gone but would lose their influence) because for the overwhelming majority they'd be happy with that. It's a minority of deranged people who wouldn't be happy with that.
How would that happen? Would Hamas just allow free elections in Gaza? Would Iran just stop sending enough help for them to control the population and attack Israel?
Hamas would still need to be removed from the equation. We've all seen how hard it is to support that kind of situation - how many residents of Gaza would vote for a party that Israel helped by removing the opposition?
I have repeatedly stated my point. That I think there's a need for more understanding and more empathy on both sides towards the other. I've repeatedly pointed out how I could see myself having essentially the same conversation with a Palestinian urging for more understanding and empathy. For an acknowledgement from both sides of the wrongdoing of their side.
I have pointed towards an example of what I would like to see more of. And I've tried to highlight how I see that as more useful than the current and recent policies of Israel. How I would like to see more of that also from people in power. On both sides.
To then be asked to appreciate that this is not a black or white issue... I give up. What I'm trying to say is not getting across at all for whatever reason. My ability to formulate my opinions clearly enough is obviously failing me.
If a genuine 2 state solution came about then you'd find Hamas would just fade away (not gone but would lose their influence) because for the overwhelming majority they'd be happy with that. It's a minority of deranged people who wouldn't be happy with that.
This is cute in that it's possibly the most naive thing I've ever seen an adult say
Have you seen hamas' actions this week? You think that if they are democratically elected out of power, they'll just fade away?
They are terrorists with a vice like grip on the people of Palestine
They don't want a two state solution
This is not a negotiation
They want an end to Israel and Jews
They aren't fading away
It happened with the IRA and UVF. They just became irrelevant boring old men or drug dealers.
This is cute in that it's possibly the most naive thing I've ever seen an adult say
Have you seen hamas' actions this week? You think that if they are democratically elected out of power, they'll just fade away?
They are terrorists with a vice like grip on the people of Palestine
They don't want a two state solution
This is not a negotiation
They want an end to Israel and Jews
They aren't fading away