Scum of the earth strikes again.
Unimaginable horror in Sri Lanka - the death toll is now over three hundred and rising - hundreds more being treated for their injuries...Thoughts with all those affected...
Just you and Marky Simmo have posted on this atrocity and no discussion is to be had thereafter and it's why I cannot take most of the leftist crowd on here, with any seriousness when debating politics. Their selective outrage I find appalling and their agenda is very clear.
Unimaginable horror in Sri Lanka - the death toll is now over three hundred and rising - hundreds more being treated for their injuries...Thoughts with all those affected...
Just you and Marky Simmo have posted on this atrocity and no discussion is to be had thereafter and it's why I cannot take most of the leftist crowd on here, with any seriousness when debating politics. Their selective outrage I find appalling and their agenda is very clear.
Funny enough I have noticed that some are quick to react to some terror attacks but not others.
When that nutter killed people in New Zealand, it felt like I was defending him when I obviously was not. Just pointed out he clearly had mental health issues and I saw no link between the right wing extremism and brexit.
I said the same when we had London Bridge and Nice(france) and will say the same about this one. The people doing it have been brain washed into a form of islam that is not true to its origins. Most nearly all muslims are good honest people and deserve to live their lifes like the rest of us do.
I am actually against all religions but the worse thing then religion is picking on one (Islam) and not the others. If we are to have religion in this world and I am not in favour of it, but if we are to have it then they should all be allowed to exist.
But like you I have noticed how some seem to find outrage in one side of terrorism and not others. Just dont bother mentioning it much any more because it makes me feel like a right wing nutter which could not be further from the truth, but that is what the under current of strong lefty views has done on here.
* I am being dismissive of lefties in this thread but will be voting corbyn the biggest one of them as I like his plans most for the future of this country, but can not escape the hypocrisy of how some things are reported.
I think people get/are getting terrorism fatigue. It seems every other week there is some horrible qunt who wants to kill a bunch of people and feels like a matter of time until the next one. Then again, maybe it's a good thing if people don't talk about it so much, that's the whole objective of the phucktards who do it in the first place, to have everyone in fear etc.
Danishfurniturelover ... I agree with most of your post bar one or two things, especially voting for Corbyn, sorry!
Danishfurniturelover ... I agree with most of your post bar one or two things, especially voting for Corbyn, sorry!
Progressive Leftist/Liberal vilifications of anyone who has social conservative traditionalist opinion and of anyone not agreeable to their worldview will be severely intensified under a future Corbyn government. It's happening now in the UK under the Tories and throughout Western Europe. We are being governed by Europhile cultural marxists and by those who pander to this cultural marxist ideology aided by their media friends, political establishment and academia. They're using brainwashing techniques that would make Goebbels proud. David Lammy's recent verbal attack on Tory ERG members calling them Nazi, I feel is a good example of what's to come should Corbyn become PM.
Readings of the last few pages on here since the New Zealand atrocity, display such contrasting responses to the two acts of barbarism...To the New Zealand terror attack, there are numerous posts with outrage directed at anyone who is not in agreement with their group think, as if anyone who displays concerns about the spread of islam throughout Europe, open borders, unlimited mass migration, is to be held partially responsible for that nut job who murdered those innocent people in the mosques in Christchurch. They sought political capital out of the carnage...
Their lack of comment on this Sri Lankan atrocity, is testament of their double standards and hypocrisy. Their silence is due to the fact that they could not pin this attack, on the likes of "far right racist supremacists"such as Nigel Farage, Steve Bannon, Viktor Orban, UKIP, the German AFD party or Tommy friggin Robinson! The perpetrators of this hideous attack in Sri Lanka happen to be non-white and muslims, and this is the sole reason for their silence.
I will remember this post the next time some white fudge head goes and does something stupid in the misguided name of right wing politics.
I'm not a prude but I have seen the general standard of behaviour decline in recent years, there seems to be a general feeling you can do and say what you like and everyone else can go and fudge themselves.
Not sure whether you meant this specifically in the context of terrorism or more generally, but I've been thinking the very same thing a lot over the past few days. It's usually prompted by the increasingly familiar experience of rubbing shoulders with people shouting and bawling in the street, effing and blinding at the tops of their voices, openly spitting on pavements and much worse, and all of this in the middle of the day. Makes me feel very 'grumpy old man' to be saying it but I definitely feel there is widespread and growing issue with general behavioural standards in our society.
Didn't Blair bring up something along these lines circa the 2005 election, only for it never to be mentioned again or am I imagining that?
It takes a lot to shock me, but..... ffs!!!!!