Terry Naylor
Average was in the UK is £25k roughly
£700 is 3% of that mans money
The new average is roughly £1400 which is double
£700 is 3% of that mans money
The new average is roughly £1400 which is double
The pricing is bonkers
The people who had £700 tickets this season will be paying double
Cheers. Assume borough wont have a set seat so they will be available for selection for STs....Just trying to establish what sort of selection might be available when it reaches my phase!
If your complaint is the pricing then that's a fair enough complaint tbf but i don't see the relevance of your mates situation as it seems fair to me that last in gets last pick
Have no issue at all with the way their selling them
Think that spot on
But the pricing is the issue
My mates are flush and they are the ones who helped fill Wembley which is a chore ..
There now being told their only option (assuming people but the cheaper ones at over a grand) is to pay roughly double
The south stand has £2200 tickets.. ok with some food and drink but that’s crazy for what is meant to be the stand with atmosphere which normally comes from the “normal fans”, nor the “prawn sandwich” fans
Where you gonna go @billyiddo
Initially I thought the pricing was steep. I have a seat at Wembley which I really like that was £795. The (kind of) equivalent viewing position at the new stadium is £1200.
Think those of us that were in block 30 and 31 are aiming for the east side of the single tier stand - blocks 211-13 jist in front of the divide.
Trouble ill have is my best mate is in phase 2 whereas im phase 1 - apparently there's 5k in the first phase so might be alright waiting, dunno whether to risk it though.
Have to remember there will be plenty of people with STs who want West/East stand seats in the more expensive areas - won't all be taken up early and by the same token im sure there are plenty of newcomers who would want seats in those areas too.
Would be handy if there was a breakdown of how many tickets are available in each price bracket
But then realised this is a vastly superior product. Own stadium, closer to pitch, own seat secured for as long as I want/need.
One thing I will say is the junior tickets are higher in % terms vs adults than they were at Wembley. About a third at Wembley. About half at new stadium.
Need to be a flush parent to be paying out these prices though
Here’s an example @billyiddo
My mate trig brought a season ticket at Wembley after being a member with 250 loyalty points for £700
He has got more points this year on his season ticket but obviously not as many as you and I
He only earns £26k a year and at the. We ground realistically he is looking at £1400 which he can’t afford
So now he has lost his loyalty points and a season ticket ... that’s just wrong unless they address the loyalty points he had
We want the same
I’m in 2
We were in 33 at the old ground
Where did you get the 5000 number form?
Please stop .... Many people Have been going to games for years and should rightly have priority to any seats that they want.
It is unfortunate that your mate can't afford it. Really is and I've been there.
Here?A post on another forum from someone who rang the T/O
Yeah I agree
But us the goal posts moving arguably... and yes I know they never published prices before moving to Wembley but that’s because they never knew how good we would be
Correct. Also, I notice no junior seats in East or West, which is where I am this year with my son. Thanks for coming!
I’m away at the moment with flaky wi-fi so haven’t looked at any of the detail yet.
I got a ST this year for the first time as did my nephew (a junior). The only places I would want to be in the new stadium would be either the south stand, but given our phasing we have no chance of decent seats, or the equivalent of 30/31 from WHL which was where I went as a member and they were great blocks to be in. But if there are no concessions for junior STs in the East then that really limits my options. (In fairness though I have no idea whether there were ST concessions in the East stand at WHL).
Plus I am reliant on my nephew’s parents being willing to shell out so would be hoping for pricing not too dissimilar to Wembley for him.