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Sandro - Beast

Re: Sandro - Legend

Sad news for Sandro, hope he recovers well. AVB did speak about Sandro's injury. He said he thought he had a good chance to play against Utd, IIRC. I hope Holtby comes in, I wanted that before Sandro's injury, still feel the same.
I don't think Sandro has been our best performer. I'd say Lloris and Bale have been better than him, maybe JV too.
Re: Sandro - Legend

Sad news for Sandro, hope he recovers well. AVB did speak about Sandro's injury. He said he thought he had a good chance to play against Utd, IIRC. I hope Holtby comes in, I wanted that before Sandro's injury, still feel the same.
I don't think Sandro has been our best performer. I'd say Lloris and Bale have been better than him, maybe JV too.

I certainly think Sandro has been our most consistent performer. Bale has had some wonderful matches but also a few poor ones. Lloris has been very good but really hasn't been put under huge amounts of pressure from an attacking team yet. That might change at the weekend mind.
Re: Sandro - Legend

I certainly think Sandro has been our most consistent performer. Bale has had some wonderful matches but also a few poor ones. Lloris has been very good but really hasn't been put under huge amounts of pressure from an attacking team yet. That might change at the weekend mind.

Sandro has been consistent, but Bale is different class. The only thing holding him back is disgusting, disgraceful reffing. Unbelievably, or maybe not, some Spurs fans have turned against Bale and not backed him over this. Appalling. The way he is booed at away grounds makes my blood boil. Frankly, the sooner Gareth leaves this country and goes to Spain where they will appreciate him, the better for him.

I won't comment about Lloris, as I'm on a 'two week sabbactical' over him. I'll reply in about 10 days time, but I suspect you know what I'm likely to say :)
Re: Sandro - Legend

Sandro has been consistent, but Bale is different class. The only thing holding him back is disgusting, disgraceful reffing. Unbelievably, or maybe not, some Spurs fans have turned against Bale and not backed him over this. Appalling. The way he is booed at away grounds makes my blood boil. Frankly, the sooner Gareth leaves this country and goes to Spain where they will appreciate him, the better for him.

I won't comment about Lloris, as I'm on a 'two week sabbactical' over him. I'll reply in about 10 days time, but I suspect you know what I'm likely to say :)

I agree with you on the poor ref'ing. I don't want to get into the whole Bale is a diver thing, but to me he's no worse than anyone else and has been incorrectly booked three times by my count. I still think there is more to come from Bale in terms of consistency and decision making . He sometimes holds the ball or shoots when he shouldn't, but that's a minor quibble when stacked against the other amazing things he does. That decision making will get better over time.

Sandro still edges it on the consistency for me.
Re: Sandro - Legend

I agree with you on the poor ref'ing. I don't want to get into the whole Bale is a diver thing, but to me he's no worse than anyone else and has been incorrectly booked three times by my count. I still think there is more to come from Bale in terms of consistency and decision making . He sometimes holds the ball or shoots when he shouldn't, but that's a minor quibble when stacked against the other amazing things he does. That decision making will get better over time.

Sandro still edges it on the consistency for me.

It's the fact that there are games that Bale just goes missing. There aren't games where Sandro goes missing (unless he's been subbed i guess).

Would find it difficult to give Lloris our best player award simply because of the number of games he's had nothing to do. I know that's not his fault though.
Re: Sandro - Legend

If we don't bring Holtby in this January and instead choose to rely on Parker keeping fit for the rest of the season then we're utter macarons who have no right to complain if Parker gets injured too.

I agree we need to get Holtby in now. I further agree we cannot rely on parker solely, it's unfair on the man...what it will mean is a return to the Hudd or Livermore in 'that' place, and if we go that route, we will need to ride our luck. Of all the players to get hurt, I'd say Sandro is one of those I hoped wouldn't...oh well, onwards and upwards.
Re: Sandro - Legend

I agree we need to get Holtby in now. I further agree we cannot rely on parker solely, it's unfair on the man...what it will mean is a return to the Hudd or Livermore in 'that' place, and if we go that route, we will need to ride our luck. Of all the players to get hurt, I'd say Sandro is one of those I hoped wouldn't...oh well, onwards and upwards.

Not IMO.
Unless the player coming in was proven/acclimatized, it would be a massive gamble. Makes more sense to trust squad players who know the manager and set-up than to suddenly not trust them.
I would absolutely take Livermore over M'Vila right now. Yes folks, you can quote me on that! Put simply, he is ours, he knows us, we know him and we all know that whether he is less talented than M'Vila or not, the man will put a proper shift in.
M'Vila is a massive gamble for a side/squad that has a system and style. QPR just need anything they can get, so he will be an upgrade.

I'm quoting you on that. So M'Vila is a gamble because he's not proven/aclimatized, and it makes sense to trust livermore (and squad players) but you want to get holtby in now holtby instead, who is also not proven/aclimatized?

I am confused. :p
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Re: Sandro - Legend

I'm quoting you on that. So M'Vila is a gamble because he's not proven/aclimatized, and it makes sense to trust livermore (and squad players) but you want to get holtby in now holtby instead, who is also not proven/aclimatized?

I am confused. :p

Fair play! ;)

To clarify, Holtby was never signed to replace Sandro anyway, thus my thinking was that if we need to change our style to be more attacking generally and try to fly by teams, it'd be good to have him in as a potential extra dimension (hopefully we'd have some time to break him in a la Lloris). With MVila, if we had signed him it wouldve essentially been a 'straight-in' job to replace either Sandro or Parker.

But it's a fair point, he isn't any more acclimatized and anyway, hopefully Parker isn't injured and it's a moot point! So hands up, yes!

Still think MVila is a massive gamble, but to be fair, Harry is the PERFECT manager to pull performances out of him short-term. He snapped Palacios up at this time for us in our hour of need, and we all know what a great signing that was. So if anyone can win this gamble, it'd be Harry. I think if we'd taken the gamble, it would not have worked out...
Re: Sandro - Legend

If we don't bring Holtby in this January and instead choose to rely on Parker keeping fit for the rest of the season then we're utter macarons who have no right to complain if Parker gets injured too.

I agree. Although he is not a Parker/Sandro type player.
I am also worried about Dembele. He hasn't looked 100%, and could get injured or need a rest.
Re: Sandro - Legend

We won't be able to play our full strength team this season, will we. Our injury problems seems to be coming one after another. Sandro has been our most improved player this season. Sandro-Dembele combination in midfield was beginning to be be noticed by other teams. But now we are going to be affected badly by Sandro's injury. Parker done well last season but not sure if he will be able to rediscover the form as he is already 32. Hope Sandro's injury will force us to buy more quality midfielders like Moutinho or Sneider.
Re: Sandro - Legend

Who: Hertyid
Where: COYS
Re: Sandro

From what I can gather there was no obvious tear from the scans, but some considerable swelling around the knee joint. Exploratory operation went well but won't know exact comeback date until recovered post-op. Welcome back Scott Parker. Now do a job on Carrick please.
Re: Sandro - Legend

What meaning of the word "legend" is meant ?

Sandro is nowhere near yet a football legend like Pele and Dave Mackay etc.
Re: Sandro - Legend

Who: Hertyid
Where: COYS
Re: Sandro

From what I can gather there was no obvious tear from the scans, but some considerable swelling around the knee joint. Exploratory operation went well but won't know exact comeback date until recovered post-op. Welcome back Scott Parker. Now do a job on Carrick please.

Doesn't really fit with the photo of Sandro with the enormous bandage, does it? :-/

Seems very strange that the club won't release any sort of information about the sort of operation he's had. Especially when Sandro himself has tweeted that photo. Doesn't look very promising though. Will be surprised to see him again this season, hopefully I'm wrong.
Re: Sandro - Legend

The huge bandage must be just so he doesn't move his leg, rather than they went crazy with a saw on his knee or anything like that.
Re: Sandro - Legend

The huge bandage must be just so he doesn't move his leg, rather than they went crazy with a saw on his knee or anything like that.

this news just really sucks basically. you get the feeling he could be out for a while. parker is a good replacement but not as good i feel. lets hope it doesnt derail our push for top four. going to be a tough game on sunday thats for sure
Re: Sandro - Legend

Who: Hertyid
Where: COYS
Re: Sandro

From what I can gather there was no obvious tear from the scans, but some considerable swelling around the knee joint. Exploratory operation went well but won't know exact comeback date until recovered post-op. Welcome back Scott Parker. Now do a job on Carrick please.

If there was no obvious tear, why the hell would you do exploratory surgery?

This makes no sense. The least you would do is wait for the swelling to reduce and re-scan the knee.
Re: Sandro - Legend

The huge bandage must be just so he doesn't move his leg, rather than they went crazy with a saw on his knee or anything like that.

They normally have braces for that, which is why that bandage worries me. Maybe it's a dislocated knee cap or something? At least it's not an ACL tear, in that case he would've been encouraged to move his knee.
Re: Sandro - Legend

i am surprised so many see Holtby as a replacement for Sandro.
As I understand things, Holtby plays in a far more advanced, attacking role than Sandro.
I've see little to suggest he is a ball-winning defensive type of player. Tell me I'm wrong.