So...deep breath...I listened to the Neville & co podcast.
I have to say I had either forgotten about (or was unaware of) the whole Derby steward lawsuit thing. I don't remember my mate mentioning it. And I genuinely don't remember reading about it at the time. So I looked back at the historical reports and they were fleeting, paragraph mentions.
I remember Sugar at the time. He was definitely cheap, and he was also quite bitter about players and their self-perceptions when it came to value. His bust-up with Sheringham before Teddy went to Man Utd initially was big, and my mate in the squad did tell me how Mabbutt was told he'd have to pay for loads of stuff, including rental of the corner flags (!!!), at his own testimonial match.
If Campbell felt he was being strung along during the legal proceedings (he says lawyers knew it was a flimflam case early doors because they had the steward's hopsital admission record which showed he injured himself earlier in the day) as some sort of leverage versus contract negotiations, then that is poor form. If he did look at how players such as Mabbutt were treated by our heirarchy, then I can see how it would've contributed to his not signing a new deal.
Do I forgive him the move there or the way it happened? No. No way. I seem to remember him letting us feel that negotiations were going on and that he was 'hopeful' he'd be signing a new deal. Of course, the writing was on the wall once it went into January, as we know now that means a player is going. Back then, I believe his was the first high-profile example of its kind, and as such no-one knew the signs.
Do I understand better why he did it? Yes, a little better. Because taking off my Spurs skin for a moment, the way Sugar and co treated players and the club generally was poor poor form, and honestly, I am amazed some of the players who stuck around did stick around. I think he'd have had a much easier time of it had he gone to, say, Barcelona, so I think it's hard to believe that he didn't know there'd be an extra 'f-uk u' in going to them, and for that I also cannot forgive him. But I can certainly move on, and I generally have.
I have to also add, his highly odd and curious way of communicating seems to strike against him. I find him grating to listen to, and sometimes hard to decipher too as he ends up in half-riddles. He also has this odd 'attraction' to things which amplify villainy. Bizarre. He is a person who it seems is happier when he's 'at war' with someone/something. Odd.
But I really gave this hour or so full attention, and ended up coming to the above conclusion.
Interested to discuss with others who have also watched it/listened to it.
In closing, what a sad thing it all is, because he is one of the best defenders we have ever had. I saw his debut against Chelsea, when he came on as a forward and scored!